Monday, April 30, 2012

More Character of the week

Hello again Comix fans. It has come to my attention that we haven't gotten all of the dirt on Epic Face, so let's continue.

In normal form:

                                  Friends: Everyone     Enemies: No one

In rage form:

                          Friends: No one                Enemies: Everyone.                                                       

Thanks for looking and be sure to check out for more. This is the Comix file signing off.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Character of the week

Welcome again to the Comix file, where all of your Comix needs reside. Today we've got the featured character, Epic Face.

Appearance: The following photo describes Epic Face to a T.
                           See full size image

See full size image

Uses: Epic Face often goes into uncontrollable fits of rage in a form known as Devil Face. During these fits, Epic Face becomes more powerful and is granted the ability to vanquish his opponents with ease. 

Personality: The wrong one for customer service.         Job:  Currently unemployed.

Thanks for your time and before I go, I would like to inform you about the following website: The title is rather misleading however, as we do not discriminate by gender. Go to this site to see a division of Comix, The Super Zero Squad / Comic squad. This is the Comix file signing off.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hello again loyal blog fans. Today the Comix file provides you with this trivial tidbit:

Almonds are in the peach family, and pistachios are in the poison ivy family.
See full size image

See full size image

Shown are the almond and pistachio Mameshiba. ( just google mameshiba if your head is spinning )
Click pics for bigger size. Ironically, the Mameshiba shown above love to give trivia, so they would want me to tell you to stay tuned for more. This is the Comix file signing off.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fanny pack of awesomeness

Welcome to a brand new segment of the Comix file, the aptly named fanny pack of awesomeness. This segment contains five pictures that are undescribably weird, cool, or just plain creepy. Without further ado, I bring you this week's picSee full size images.See full size imageSee full size imageSee full size imageSee full size image

               Epic face,  Lazer face, Comix moose, Mr. Cockroach, Storkon.

( click pics for a better view )  All of these bizzare beasts are Comix characters, and some will be mentioned at a later date. Thank you for your support signed, the Comix file.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Featured short clip

Hello again Comix fanatics. Today we have the featured short clip of the week: "Stumpy"

PLOT: A tree is shaving when he decides to use the woodchipper (razor) that promptly chips him down to a tree stump leading to this gem: "I knew I should have stuck to Gilette".

Characters: Treebo.

Animation style: Classic animation.

Thanks for watching. Signed, the Comix file.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Featured episode

Hello again and welcome back to mashed potatoes 101.
This week we will talk about...


This week's episode is "Bye bye butterfly''

SINOPOSIS:   Comix moose is in the meadow when he spots a butterfly... that gets violently eaten by the most disturbing bird ever. C.m comments on how he is glad that he is not a butterfly, but is quickly cut off by a large net swung by an even larger Comix moose that is precipately eaten by the aforementioned bird.

This is the Comix file signing off. Oh, and look out for giant birds.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Hit List

Welcome back!

So lets just get the gist of it all right here, right now.

This week you can expect posts about...

Woodchip shaver


and jiffy pop.

( just trollin', this is a popcorn free blog.) Also be expecting new crushes, bears, perfect sandwiches, and epic face's stunt collection.

(eventually.)                      In the mean time, allow yourself to be tided over with this photo.

See full size image
This is a serow, a type of Japanese mountain goat. So, as a serow would want it, don't forget to stay tuned.
This is the comix file signing off. Btw, click the photo for a better view.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hello again. First of all, I sincerely apoligize for not uploading in a couple of days.

To make up for this, I will post everything that was missed, all on one convenient post. Let's start, shall we?


This episode brought to you in part by....

WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO ONE IS SUPPORTING THIS?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


( and a collective gas fills the mess hall....)


See full size imageThe kangaroo gets its name from the Aboriginal phrase kenguruh, meaning "We don't understand you".


This week's featured character is Cheese.

Appearance: Cheese is a cobra with blue eyes.

Uses: Cheese is a relatively usless character, but can translate Spanish.

Enemies: Much like wormo,Cheese is enemies with Jockana because, along with worms, Jock eats snakes.

Job: Cheese is a chiropractor and massage therapist.

I hope this all covers for my absence. This is the Comix file signing off.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Hello again Comix fans. Today I welcome you to the first weekly misc. catagory day. On a misc. day, something will be shown that cannot fit under any other weekly catagory. The misc. thing today is a featured quote. The following is regular quote from Mr. Cockroach when things don't go according to plan:

" This plan was about as smart as the time we used nitrogen to roast marshmallows.''

Roasting marshmallows with nitrogen generally isn't a good idea, but here is a good idea:
Be sure to stay tuned for tomorrow's sponsor gone wrong. This is the Comix file signing off.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Featured short clip

Hello and welcome to another post. Today is the day of the featured short clip, which is titled "A crick in the neck".

Plot : A giraffe walks up to a tree and is about to take a bite out of a leaf. Suddenly it exclaims that it has a neck cramp. The scene cuts to a lion who sarcastically states "That figures."

Characters: Giraffe, Leon, Tikbird.

Animation style: Claymation.

Thanks for looking and, as always, tune in tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Character of the week

Welcome back! Today we have the week's featured character, Wormo.

Appearance: Wormo is a rather large, but otherwise garden-variety earthworm.

Uses: Wormo is a quite useful character, who can be used as a grappling hook, lasso, and banjo, among other things.

Enemies: Wormo despises the town jerk, Jockana. This may be because Jock eats worms.

Job: Wormo is an accountant, but will tag along on any of Comix moose's cockamaime adventures if he gets the chance. ( those Popadopolis returns can be killer. )

Be sure to see the featured short clip tomorrow. This is the Comix file signing off.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Welcome back to the comix file. Today we have a schedule of the week's remaining events:

Wednesday: featured character and character profile.
Thursday: featured short clip.
Friday: misc.
Saturday: sponsor gone wrong.
Sunday: random and irrelevant fact.

But if you thought I was done there, rest easy. Today I bring you a featured episode: Bruce. Comix moose buys a fish with ulterior motives. Namely destroying the mailman. Not to fear loyal fanbase, for an insignifigant situation will prove worthy in the end. A rap video featuring Epic Face will also be shown. Be sure to tune in tomorrow! This is the Comix file signing off.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Welcome to the first of what will be many blog posts about Comix, the comic strip by yours truly. Now for a lowdown on the comic: our hero is a dim-witted moose trying to fit in. Problem is, his town of residence is chalked-full of freaks, mutants, and giant tap-dancing birds. The show will feature two shorts about our  moose friend, followed and preceeded by a series of clips using live action, graph paper sketches, and many other formats. I am eager to share more about this comic, so expect more posts weekly.