Friday, August 30, 2013


First off, I would like to apologize for my absence yesterday, as a meeting ran overtime. But rest assured, Comix has returned. Also, I figured out how to make spaces on a mobile device post. Without further chitchat, the trivia!

Eggplants and thistles are related. 

An iguana can remain submerged underwater for almost a half hour.

The garfish has green bones.

Diastima refers to the condition in which someone has a gap between their teeth.

In terms of pound for pound strength, babies are more powerful than oxen.

So, that concludes another week of Comix! Have a nice weekend! Comix out!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Featured short

This week's featured short is a little skit called "Quack boom itis". The plot is as follows: A doctor diagnoses a duck with the titular disease, and a three note scare chord plays. On the third note, the duck spontaneously explodes. Animation style: Hand puppet/ animation mix. Characters: duck, hand puppet doctor. Running time: 10 seconds. The doctor is played by a real life hand puppet, but everything else is animated.  That concludes this episode of Featured Sho-BOOOM!!!!!!!     Quack!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Did you know? Pre demolition, the Comix building had no health care, which would explain the sheer number of hazards abound.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Fanny pack

This weeSee full size imagek's fanny pack is ranSee full size imagedom, so enjoy the following photos.See full size imageSee full size image
See full size image

Here we have some bunny advice, a... thing, a sheepig, some wolves of philosophy, and the law of stick physique. I do not own these pictures, and they can be clicked for a better view, as always.

That's about it for today, so I will see you Comixers tomorrow!

I'm starting to think that Comix fans should have a better name as a whole. I'll think about a replacement.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Did you know that Fanta Orange is the 3rd largest selling soft drink in the world? It is also my favorite. We have four more facts where that came from, so enjoy!

Planting an apple seed almost gurantees that the tree of a different type of apple grows.

It is possible for a fetus to get the hiccups. 0_0

A lone pea has 14 chromosomes.

The first letters of the months July through November spell JASON, and more serial killers are born in November than any other month. Coincidence? I think not.

That about does it for today, and ergo the week, so drop back on Monday for more, and have a nice weekend!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Weekly Weirdos

Hello and welcome to another Weekly Weirdos segment, brought to you by Brand Ex's grow your own date! This week's weirdos are...

Lil' Punk Pete: An absurdly tiny human boy with an equally small guitar, a mohawk, and a bad rocker attitude to boot.

Flick: This matchstickman carries traits of well, a match and a stickman. He is a pyromaniac.

Barry: A, how do I put this delicately, horizontally tall human dedicated to longboarding and fast food, currently working on a combination of the 2.

London B. Falling: This ridiculously tall stickman is strangely not British, or as far as we know, even from Europe.

Suzie and The Beast: A cute little girl by day, but at night, Suzie becomes a pygmy werewolf, still just as dangerous. Enjoys bouncing a rubber ball around during the day.

This has been Weekly Weirdos. Thanks for viewing! Comix out! Oh, wait, completely unrelated:  See full size image

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Featured Quote

We are back with another installment of the rare segment, Featured Quote.  This installment's quote comes to us from Joe, the little Pac Man esque character. He says this so often, it could be considered his catch phrase. The quote is, "The things I do for my hat." Followed almost directly by him going to bizarre lengths to get his hat back. I blame the liberal media. Comix out!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

More info

Did you know? One episode involves Mr.Roach settling a cat v.s dog argument by taking in hundreds upon hundreds of cats.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Did you know?See full size image Mr. Roach prefers cats to dogs, while Comix Moose is the opposite.

Mr. Roach did it!

I do not own this picture.

Friday, August 16, 2013


I just woke up, and the train leaves in 2 hours, so this post must be quick. Also, this post was typed on a mobile device, so there will be no spaces in between facts. Somebody please tell me if there is a way to fix that. Fact 1: Blowtorching Pepto Bismol will result in a hunk of metal. Fact 2: There's enough water pressure in one onion cell to make a steam engine explode! Fact 3: Manatees have vocal chords enabling them to possess human speech, but they are not put to good use because manatees have no ears with which to hear the sounds, therefore they go about their lives speechless. Fact 4: The dvorak keyboard is 20 times faster and more efficient than qwerty. Fact 5: Female pigeons must be in company to be able to lay eggs. Even a single other pigeon will do, but they can't lay eggs alone. So, that's all for this week, and be sure to come back for another week of Comix!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Weekly weirdos

Abrakaderp! That didn't do anything, I just wanted to say it. ... So... yes.

Skeletina: A living lady skeleton with a pink and black dress. Lives in the basement of one of the Condos.

Frigid Phil: A human in a sleeping bag, constantly followed by a small snow storm.

Quizzard: A wizard that has a question mark dangling from his wizard cap. Much like I, he is a master of trivia, and easily one of the smartest characters.

Morris: A senile old man with a viking hat and a beard covering his entire lower body. He uses his beard as an excuse to not wear clothes.

Sonny: A very tall surly sunflower that will pick a fight with anyone. Walks around on his roots.

All of these characters were created by Comix's executive character designer, Tyler. These are not all of his creations, however, and more will be spotlighted next week. And maybe the week after that, considering his productivity. Now, as previously stated, trivia will be posted early tomorrow morning. By the time some of you read this, it may be up. Until then, Comixers!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

More deets

Here are some more details about This Land is Your Landlord that were not discussed.

Comix Moose teams up with his manifested subconscious to round up all his friends.

He attaches Wormo to Rodney and drops them out the window, reeling in several fish characters.

He slingshots some smaller characters into the building using Elasticandies attached to Jerf's antlers. Once inside, they are stowed in cardboard boxes by Conscious Moose.

Others are tossed inside just so and land in the closet.

Still others are caught in large nets and hauled up the windows.

Some flying characters are caught in a sack by Conscious Moose and tossed in the skylight.

Two bird characters are lured to the windows and locked in a closet.

And to think, all of this happens behind the landlord's back! Also, Elasticandies do not exist. That is all.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Did you know? Shrew Glasses can reverse engineer a necrovirus capable of creating a zombie apocalypse, but cannot open a pickle jar. He's missing out, let me tell you.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Figures update

Hey guys! Comix here coming with an update of the Comix mini figures, more specifically some size details.

The figures aren't exactly scale model, as they each stand 1/2 to 1 inch tall.

They vary in width but are approxamately 1 inch wide.

On their bottom sides, their name and number are engraved.

Now, I know that's not really alot, but I must make ready for a museum trip on Friday, but worry not! Before I leave in the morning I will do a breif trivia post. Or do trivia tomorrow and info on Friday. I don't exactly know yet. But I will find out and the week will run normally. As for now, Comix file signing off!

Friday, August 9, 2013


It's that time of the week yet again, so let's get right in to this batch of factoids!

Honey badgers reportedly kidnap baby cheetahs. They just don't care!

Also about honey badgers, they can withstand blows via machetes, arrows, and spears. Ladies and gentlemen, the Chuck Norris of the animal kingdom.

Ironically, the smallest bird in Britain (the firecrest) weighs as much as a teaspoonful of sugar. I could burst into song about that, but you are all safe from that. For now.

Leonardo da Vinci often bought caged animals and set them free thereafter. That's a concept I can get behind!

In Japan it is now illegal to be overweight. ... ... ...

See full size imageSee full size image

"I'm the smallest bird in Bri..." "I DON'T CAAAAAAARREEE!!!!!"

Well, he should care that the week is over. And as for you Comixers, come back on Monday for more Comix, and little to no juniper berries.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fanny pack

There is a baby crying next door and I can't focus, so let's post this quickly.

Por... (Gets distracted by baby crying.)

This week's photos are p...(Distraction.)


(Baby is quiet.)


See full size image
See full size image
See full size image
See full size imageSee full size image

Wait, these are HEDGEHOGS!!! Oh well. Even cuter, if you ask me.
I do not own these, all rights to their original owners, click for better views, etc.

Count hedgy: Be aware, be prepared. Also, come back tomorrow for trivia!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekly weirdos

I am a dancing juniper berry and it is time for Weekly weirdos. Also, these characters are no longer in numerical order.

Eggbot: A large robot, obviously shaped like an egg. A mysterious man operates Eggbot from the inside.

Giovanni: A fox that thinks he is a wolf. He is not. He is not a dancing juniper berry. I am a dancing juniper berry.

Bloess: An elephant that, unlike most elephants, has wings for ears and flies around like a juniper berry. A dancing juniper berry.

Darko: A seedy shady black bat that sells magic beans. "MAGIC".

Legs: A rattlesnake with anxiety issues that lives in a turtle shell. He loops in and out of the limb holes, fostering the illusion of legs.

Well , as we dancing juniper berries say, ....

Sorry, guys. The juniper berry tribe took over Comix inc., and I just punched out Lord Juniperberry. Turns out, dancing juniper berries are far more efficient at hostile takeovers than tree kangaroos. Anyway, that juniper goof did the post for me! Dancing Comix berries out!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Did you know? Another popular drink in the Comix universe, aside from Slurpees and peach cola, is Cactus Pop, which I'm pretty sure is just a cactus with a straw stuck in it. That can't have gone over well with The Funky Cactus.See full size image Still, he appears to be a saguaro, and the Pop seems to be made from prickly pears.

I do not own this picture.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Return and important updates

We are back! As for the sudden decrease in posts, I recently recieved some very sad news, and had to spend a few days cooling down. This may be getting tedious, but I assure you that The Comix File is back on track. As for the important updates, Pop Comix is resigning. I will be the first to admit that it was a pretty dumb concept. But with resignation comes rebirth. Weekly Weirdos will be able to live up to its name and will occur once a week. Trivia and Info are also staying, along with Tripler, Fanny Pack, and the occasional Character of the Week, if a character is major enough. And a slew of new characters have been created, so there's no shortage of material! Prepare for Eggbots, bats, and flying elephants. All of this is coming up on The Comix File, so stay tuned!

See us off, Comedy Chipmunk!

*incoherent chittering*

Haha, this guy! Comix signing off

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Due to matters too sad to explain, Comix is resigning for several days.