Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Hello Comix fans. Today we forgo the character of the week post to bring you an intervention. As I posted on a previous post, our followup blog about the Super Zero Squad has been removed.  For those of you who remember the last post about the S.Z.S, I mentioned some agents based on super heroes. They have all been layed off. All agents are now normal animals capable of speech. For those of you new to the S.Z.S, it is from the makers of Comix and is about a squadron of animal espionauge agents. Our main character is Comix Moose's cousin, Major Moose. He works for Super Slug, a brainy but lazy scientist who is a part time movie star. Except for the main characters, all other agents have agent before their name. ( the real animals name. ) For example: Agent Lion, Agent Ostrich, etc. Because of this, there can only be one of each animal as an agent. The reason I have brought this up is because I have a list of some agents. Each one is a real animal. ( Google them if you don't believe me. )

Agent Storm's stork, Agent Goitered Gazelle, Agent Olive Ridley, Agent Sharp tailed tyrant.

To make up for this intervention, which will happen monthly with new agents, a gaggle of goose heads will be posted some time this week. Comix out! Okay, where's agent Pudu?

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