Friday, June 28, 2013
Five fast facts coming your way, so prepare for an amazing pleasure as has never happened before..... Also, this is being typed from a mobile device, so the format will be a little different than the original. Fact 1: Spiders actually wrap up leftovers, ala fast food restaurant. Fact 2: Depressed chameleons turn gray. Fact 3: There is such a thing as too prickly, as there is a place where one can obtain cactus ice cream. Fact 4: Comix Moose wouldn't be happy to hear that the noses of his bretherin are eaten in Canada. Fact 5: On the topic of freaky eats, animal feet are an enjoyed food in some parts of the world. That does it for this week. Stay tuned for next week's Comix chronicles!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Featured short
The short of this every other month is "Black Hole". The plot is as follows: A cow gets sucked into a tornado. The tornado spits the cow out on to a U.F.O that abducts the cow and then deposits it in a black hole. For some reason, the black hole turns into a golf hole, and shows two golfing aliens. Come back tomorrow for trivia, and watch out for those aliens playing golf!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Weekly weirdos
Weekly weirdos. Weirdos of the week.The following 5 characters have truly earned this distinction. That or I really needed something to post and didn't want to compile another Fannypack. These characters were also created by Rhys.
Crazy Shrew, or Thomas Morgan Shrew-Dillo the third: An insane shrew/armadillo hybrid, related to Shrew G.
Vincent Van Elf: Shrew G.'s intern, an elf that turns to the dark side later on in the series.
Derp: Not to be confused with the purple bird of the same name, Derp is a living teddy bear that Shrew G. brought to life.
Sergeant Joe Potato: Leader of the evil Veggie Armada, a living potato with a helmet and several badges.
Dr. Minehoff: A balding pelican scientist studying antimatter, working for Shrew G.'s cause.
That does it for today, so come back for more Comix tomorrow!
Crazy Shrew, or Thomas Morgan Shrew-Dillo the third: An insane shrew/armadillo hybrid, related to Shrew G.
Vincent Van Elf: Shrew G.'s intern, an elf that turns to the dark side later on in the series.
Derp: Not to be confused with the purple bird of the same name, Derp is a living teddy bear that Shrew G. brought to life.
Sergeant Joe Potato: Leader of the evil Veggie Armada, a living potato with a helmet and several badges.
Dr. Minehoff: A balding pelican scientist studying antimatter, working for Shrew G.'s cause.
That does it for today, so come back for more Comix tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Answers and info
As Luke Skywalker once said, "Let's see the answers to yesterday's questions, Bob!"
Question 1: Elder Waffle and Slobstopper.
Question 2: True.
Question 3: Over 75 flavors.
Question 4: Classic animation.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Bruce, from an episode of his own name.
Now, for some info! Did you know? In one episode, everyone is hypnotised into attacking Comix Moose. The hypnotiser is none other than Crazed Comix Fan, another character created by Rhys.
Question 1: Elder Waffle and Slobstopper.
Question 2: True.
Question 3: Over 75 flavors.
Question 4: Classic animation.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Bruce, from an episode of his own name.
Now, for some info! Did you know? In one episode, everyone is hypnotised into attacking Comix Moose. The hypnotiser is none other than Crazed Comix Fan, another character created by Rhys.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Pop Comix
Pop quiz time! Get ready for 5 more questions of the Comix kind!
Question 1: Which two characters battled it out in round 1 of Battle?
Question 2: True or false? Shrew Glasses is allergic to pistachios.
Question 3: How many flavors does the Skull Smasher have?
Question 4: What style of animation was "Stumpy" made with?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What fish was bent on destroying the mailman in one early episode?
Come back tomorrow for the answers, stay cool, and remain calm!
Question 1: Which two characters battled it out in round 1 of Battle?
Question 2: True or false? Shrew Glasses is allergic to pistachios.
Question 3: How many flavors does the Skull Smasher have?
Question 4: What style of animation was "Stumpy" made with?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What fish was bent on destroying the mailman in one early episode?
Come back tomorrow for the answers, stay cool, and remain calm!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Our business trip is over, just in time for the following 5 facts!
Sheep can recognise each other via pictures! "Baabra, is that you?"
Also about the wooly jumpers, sheep can only drink from still water, not running water.
EVEN MORE about the sheep: A sheep, duck, and rooster were the 1st three passengers in a hot air balloon.
As of today ( Give or take depending on your time zone ), every aardvark in the world is allergic to radishes and will remain that way until the first day of autumn.
To burn off the equivalent of one M&M candy, you must walk a full football field.
And now, enjoy this crochet aardvark. All credit goes to June at PlanetJune!
Stay away from the radishes and come back on Monday, loyal fans!
Sheep can recognise each other via pictures! "Baabra, is that you?"
Also about the wooly jumpers, sheep can only drink from still water, not running water.
EVEN MORE about the sheep: A sheep, duck, and rooster were the 1st three passengers in a hot air balloon.
As of today ( Give or take depending on your time zone ), every aardvark in the world is allergic to radishes and will remain that way until the first day of autumn.
To burn off the equivalent of one M&M candy, you must walk a full football field.
Stay away from the radishes and come back on Monday, loyal fans!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Small break
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Did you know? Epic Face's dad is a larger version of him with a green stick body and 4 cyborg stick legs.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Character of the week
Instead of the usual Pop Comix, another character has been created that is important enough to make a post about: Dr. Duckbill, created by Comix's own Rhys Casstevens. First, I need to tell you something about Shrew Glasses: He is an avid scientist, and in his glory days was part of a group of animals that includes Dr. Duckbill, and also Hoppy and Sly Fox, who you will learn about later.
Appearance: A bipedal platypus wearing a lab coat with a black tie. There are two tufts of gray hair on either side of his head. His pocket protector is on backwards. There is a shirt sleeve on the bottom of his coat's back end, and his tail fits through this sleeve.
Full name: Alabaster Duckbill.
Originally had a hat, replaced by his hair tufts. Also, was a duck, but this was changed to a platypus.
Episode: Dr. Duckbill's starring appearance was the episode "Reunion!". He has made cameos since then.
Personality: An eccentric old man type.
Back when he and Shrew were a team, he had a bushy black stache and hair to match.
Before Reunion, he was studying a rare cactus flower on a remote island.
a;saPLSXKS;LAX!!!! Sorry, I just stubbed my toe. HARD. On a lead case. Now if you'll excuse me, I belive that's all Dr. D's info, i'm going to pass out. frgdgdhd cjaeku;/w-
Appearance: A bipedal platypus wearing a lab coat with a black tie. There are two tufts of gray hair on either side of his head. His pocket protector is on backwards. There is a shirt sleeve on the bottom of his coat's back end, and his tail fits through this sleeve.
Full name: Alabaster Duckbill.
Originally had a hat, replaced by his hair tufts. Also, was a duck, but this was changed to a platypus.
Episode: Dr. Duckbill's starring appearance was the episode "Reunion!". He has made cameos since then.
Personality: An eccentric old man type.
Back when he and Shrew were a team, he had a bushy black stache and hair to match.
Before Reunion, he was studying a rare cactus flower on a remote island.
a;saPLSXKS;LAX!!!! Sorry, I just stubbed my toe. HARD. On a lead case. Now if you'll excuse me, I belive that's all Dr. D's info, i'm going to pass out. frgdgdhd cjaeku;/w-
Friday, June 14, 2013
Let's get the next 5 facts underway, Comixers!
Hot water freezes faster than cold water!
Some species of fish do indeed vocalize.
In Idaho, you may not fish on the back of a camel.
Citronella irritates a mosquito's feet, hence the reason it repels them.
Within 24 hours of birth, a hedgehog's spines will develop.
Keep hedge-hoggin' it guys! Comix out!
Hot water freezes faster than cold water!
Some species of fish do indeed vocalize.
In Idaho, you may not fish on the back of a camel.
Citronella irritates a mosquito's feet, hence the reason it repels them.
Within 24 hours of birth, a hedgehog's spines will develop.
Keep hedge-hoggin' it guys! Comix out!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Weekly weirdos
This post was brought to you by Poland
Springs, because I'm thirsty. Also, this banana:
On with the show!
Frenchine: An orange flamingo with a purple beret and blonde bangs.
Shorp: Shrew Glasses' pet blue dog/chicken/sheep/axolotl. "What happened to Atom?" you ask. I answer. He released atom.
Bodaddy: A giant daddy longlegs with 6 superlong legs. The other 2 serve as arms.
Fluffy Jon: A puffball that few people know is actually an angora rabbit.
Crawco: Literally a coconut crab. That is to say, a crab with a coconut half as a shell.
Now I have to find a regular angora. My pillow was stolen. Comix out!
On with the show!
Frenchine: An orange flamingo with a purple beret and blonde bangs.
Shorp: Shrew Glasses' pet blue dog/chicken/sheep/axolotl. "What happened to Atom?" you ask. I answer. He released atom.
Bodaddy: A giant daddy longlegs with 6 superlong legs. The other 2 serve as arms.
Fluffy Jon: A puffball that few people know is actually an angora rabbit.
Crawco: Literally a coconut crab. That is to say, a crab with a coconut half as a shell.
Now I have to find a regular angora. My pillow was stolen. Comix out!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Answers and info
I'm a little jittery today, so let's just skip the pleasantries and get right to the answers!
Question 1: Kafloom, Squeg, and Pointerpete.
Question 2: 10 legs.
Question 3: Sushi house, or Sushi hut.
Question 4: False. He is a rejected idea.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Blooblud Blooburd.
Now the info: Did you know? The Comix Enpsychopedia reveals that Comix Moose's dad is named Alce.
Question 1: Kafloom, Squeg, and Pointerpete.
Question 2: 10 legs.
Question 3: Sushi house, or Sushi hut.
Question 4: False. He is a rejected idea.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Blooblud Blooburd.
Now the info: Did you know? The Comix Enpsychopedia reveals that Comix Moose's dad is named Alce.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Pop Comix
Pop! Get ready for some questions!
Question 1: Which 3 characters fought in the war of '69?
Question 2: How many legs does Miles have?
Question 3: Our Japanese viewers won't have any trouble with this one. What is the name of this restaurant in English: 寿司小屋 ?
Question 4: True or false? Seahorse dude is an official character.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Flerp's species?
As Flerp would say "GET GUESSING YOU SACRELIGIOUS JACKDAW!!!". Jeez, harsh.
Question 1: Which 3 characters fought in the war of '69?
Question 2: How many legs does Miles have?
Question 3: Our Japanese viewers won't have any trouble with this one. What is the name of this restaurant in English: 寿司小屋 ?
Question 4: True or false? Seahorse dude is an official character.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Flerp's species?
As Flerp would say "GET GUESSING YOU SACRELIGIOUS JACKDAW!!!". Jeez, harsh.
Friday, June 7, 2013
As sure as 5 plus 7 equals negative potato, it is time for more trivia! These factoids double as advice!
If you don't want the camera to add ten lbs, wear green!
Maple syrup is good on pancakes AND good for fighting cancer!
Want good dreams? Go to sleep in a warm room!
Beetles taste like apples!
It takes more water to make a bottle than to fill it!
I hope you take some of the advice to heart, just as I hope to see you again on Monday!
If you don't want the camera to add ten lbs, wear green!
Maple syrup is good on pancakes AND good for fighting cancer!
Want good dreams? Go to sleep in a warm room!
Beetles taste like apples!
It takes more water to make a bottle than to fill it!
I hope you take some of the advice to heart, just as I hope to see you again on Monday!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Komix Kards update
The following is an update of Komix Kards. More K.K. information has been revealed (A.K.A. I thought up some new stuff.).
The back of each card will include some general information including the character's height in feet, weight in pounds, description, species, and sprite.
You may be wondering what the sprite is for, as there is no Comix video game. Oh, just you wait! And you will also have to wait for tomorrow's trivia, as well as I have to check my sources (A.K.A. make sure that is running.). The proper word change can really make a sentence sound different!
The back of each card will include some general information including the character's height in feet, weight in pounds, description, species, and sprite.
You may be wondering what the sprite is for, as there is no Comix video game. Oh, just you wait! And you will also have to wait for tomorrow's trivia, as well as I have to check my sources (A.K.A. make sure that is running.). The proper word change can really make a sentence sound different!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Featured quote and thanks
Welcome back! First of all I'd like to thank you all for The Comix File's 2000th pageview! I couldn't do it without you loyal fans. Now, this quote comes from Klum Flumpet, the crazy curser. The symbols and grawlix are there because we want this to be a family friendly blog. Here is the quote: "/()$;?&CHURCH BELLS.()$'@@&):ELEVATOR SHAFT;?$$?!';)$TASMANIAN DEVIL35$,?!!??!'ORACLE37$($&???:@@ALLEMANDE LEFT():?!?!!'TRAFFIC CONE!!!!!". Cue a cut to Comix Moose's mortified expression. Also cue end transmission.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Answers and info
Let's see how good you did on yesterday's questions!
Question 1: 10 per pack.
Question 2: Yes, via a pair of wings.
Question 3: 7 parts.
Question 4: Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: KobraKadabra72.
Now, the info I promised you: Did you know? The Windex Magpies appear on a tree outside one Comix condo.
Question 1: 10 per pack.
Question 2: Yes, via a pair of wings.
Question 3: 7 parts.
Question 4: Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: KobraKadabra72.
Now, the info I promised you: Did you know? The Windex Magpies appear on a tree outside one Comix condo.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Pop Comix
Quiz time! Do you know the answers to the following questions?
Question 1: How many cards are there per pack of Komix Kards?
Question 2: Can Shrew Glasses fly?
Question 3: How many parts did it take to name ALL the characters!?
Question 4: Who is Shrew Glasses' namesake? *Hint: BACON!!!*
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Cheese the Cobra's screen name online?
Get guessing, guys! Man, I love alliteration.
Question 1: How many cards are there per pack of Komix Kards?
Question 2: Can Shrew Glasses fly?
Question 3: How many parts did it take to name ALL the characters!?
Question 4: Who is Shrew Glasses' namesake? *Hint: BACON!!!*
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Cheese the Cobra's screen name online?
Get guessing, guys! Man, I love alliteration.
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