Monday, June 17, 2013

Character of the week

Instead of the usual Pop Comix, another character has been created that is important enough to make a post about: Dr. Duckbill, created by Comix's own Rhys Casstevens. First, I need to tell you something about Shrew Glasses: He is an avid scientist, and in his glory days was part of a group of animals that includes Dr. Duckbill, and also Hoppy and Sly Fox, who you will learn about later.

Appearance: A bipedal platypus wearing a lab coat with a black tie. There are two tufts of gray hair on either side of his head. His pocket protector is on backwards. There is a shirt sleeve on the bottom of his coat's back end, and his tail fits through this sleeve.

Full name: Alabaster Duckbill.

Originally had a hat, replaced by his hair tufts. Also, was a duck, but this was changed to a platypus.

Episode: Dr. Duckbill's starring appearance was the episode "Reunion!". He has made cameos since then.

Personality: An eccentric old man type.

Back when he and Shrew were a team, he had a bushy black stache and hair to match.

Before Reunion, he was studying a rare cactus flower on a remote island.

a;saPLSXKS;LAX!!!!  Sorry, I just stubbed my toe. HARD. On a lead case. Now if you'll excuse me, I belive that's all Dr. D's info, i'm going to pass out.  frgdgdhd cjaeku;/w-

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