Thursday, August 22, 2013

Weekly Weirdos

Hello and welcome to another Weekly Weirdos segment, brought to you by Brand Ex's grow your own date! This week's weirdos are...

Lil' Punk Pete: An absurdly tiny human boy with an equally small guitar, a mohawk, and a bad rocker attitude to boot.

Flick: This matchstickman carries traits of well, a match and a stickman. He is a pyromaniac.

Barry: A, how do I put this delicately, horizontally tall human dedicated to longboarding and fast food, currently working on a combination of the 2.

London B. Falling: This ridiculously tall stickman is strangely not British, or as far as we know, even from Europe.

Suzie and The Beast: A cute little girl by day, but at night, Suzie becomes a pygmy werewolf, still just as dangerous. Enjoys bouncing a rubber ball around during the day.

This has been Weekly Weirdos. Thanks for viewing! Comix out! Oh, wait, completely unrelated:  See full size image

1 comment:

  1. B.T. Dubs, the bird in the picture is a Knysna turaco. Not that anyone cares, but I'm just putting that out there. Also, I do not own this picture.
