Thursday, September 12, 2013


One episode will feature a deranged fan of Comix who attempts to piggy back off of Comix's popularity. He enforces an army of fraud characters. They are...

Comix Deer

Angry Roach

P.U. Glasses

Elder Pancake

The Hollering Pickle

And an unnamed Heizmos rip off.

The gang fight back with originality, and ultimately win their title back.


But not really. I would also like to share two 10 second shorts.

"The Danger of Being a Small Person With a Small Dog"

Plot: The title flashes, with an annoucer reading it off. Directly afterward, we see a small stick figure walking a small fluffy dog of indeterminate species. Thereafter, a stylized red tailed hawk grabs the dog and the stick figure with it. The stick figure hangs on to the leash for dear life, the title flashes again, and the skit ends.

"The Expendables"

Plot: Much like the previous skit, the title flashes at the beginning, and then cuts to 4 stick figures. Abruptly, two are hit by a meteor, and one inexplicably explodes. The title flashes one more time, and the skit ends.

The hawk can be seen in the background of various episodes, still carrying the dog and owner. Fortunately, I am not small enough to worry about haw-

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