Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekly Weirdos

I have run out of ways to start posts, so, yeah.

The Chanchus: A number of medium sized golden toads based on an ancient Chinese seismograph. It is uncertain just how many of them there are, but we assume there are anywhere from 5 to 12.

Guy in the Sky: An ENORMOUS man riding around in a cloud. He is easily one of the largest characters, but this is unofficial, as he can shrink and grow as he pleases.

Samson: A strange 2 headed purple humanoid. We avoided cliche by making each head equally dumb!

Snoa: A large semi-frozen white snake, presumably a boa, judging by her name.

David: A tall round light green monster that, despite his efforts, always ends up unintentionally hurting people.

That's about all for toda--


Chanchu attack!! helpdnciheducheodicjmmeeee[,se]-].../????/

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