Hello once again Comix fans worldwide. The above sentence was our weekly motto, and a new one will appear next Monday. Without further fanfare, I present to you...Kafloom!
Appearance: Kafloom is a living dagger, with a steel blade and a brown body, which has a ring of red cloth around it. Said cloth is covered in gold tassels.
Past: Before arriving at the Comix building, Kafloom fought in the Gnome Beach Dravesty of '67, tearing open enemy crates and cutting bomb cords.
Uses: This character has resigned from his wild life of cutting open bomb crates and has settled down as the Comix building's package opener. As such, he is used to open a variety of packages and envelopes.
Number 133.
Some of his friends, Squeg and Pointerpete, were also in the '67 war, only to arrive at Comix. Be expecting to hear more about them.
If one looks closely, he has a label which says "Made in Iberia." This is a reference to ancient daggers made in modern day Spain and France.
We say "Made" because he began existing when cast iron facial features were put on a dagger by the creator, for laughs or something. Kind of like that snowman, Billy Bob, I think his name was.
See, pretty similar.
I think that about covers all the info we have. At least for now. Signing off, I'll see you later Comixers.
Hey, that's it! Comix fans will henceforth be reffered to collectively as Comixers.