Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Komix Kards update

News flash! The pack designs for Komix Kards will feature 1 of 3 scenes:

Scene 1: Comix Moose charging in a field with lighting striking Shrew Glasses as he trails behind.

Scene 2: The Comix Building with several characters in front of it.

Scene 3: Mr. Roach scaling a mountain whilst narrowly dodging a bird.

Also, each card will feature a background such as the Comix Building or some random colorful pattern.

Final update: A secret card featuring a never before seen character is in series 1. His card is the hardest to find, and for secret purposes, I'm not even going to mention his name. Okay, fine. His name is...edffjkbnercddsdcjhrbcnsdn cSYSTEM MALFUNCTIONnccrndjerdncNAME UNREVEALEDdchbekb (Static Noises).


Uh. Stupid system malfunction. Always happens when I try to reveal secrets. Fortunately, the comment section is free of malfunction, so go there to see his name. Comix out!

1 comment:

  1. Comix In!
    Mystery Number's real name is...


    Anti-climatic, isn't it?
