Thursday, February 7, 2013

Random idea and trivia

Hi guys! As you may or may not know, a major snowstorm is headed my way, so today I'm gonna provide both a Thursday AND Friday post all in one, so that if the power goes tomorrow, you guys won't miss out on the daily Comix.

Firstly, today's random idea: At one point there will be an episode of Comix where Ross draws up a fake creature to lure Comix Moose on a wild goose chase, except it's not a goose, it's a red-pompadoured caracara. More to the point, while Comix Moose is away, Ross dons a moose outfit and usurps our hero moose's social status.

And next the weather. NOT! Here's tomorrow's trivia:

People who play videogames are less likely to have nightmares.

In advertisements, ice cream is often portrayed by mashed potatoes on a cone.

At one point, McDonald's sold pizza. Three words: Summer of Eighty-three. Is eighty three one word?

Bunnies can indeed make noise. No, they can not say chimichanga.
See full size image

Some squids do have teeth. Minecraft was right!

Come on, don't tell me this squid didn't give you nightmares the first time you saw it!

What a face. Well, I'm finishing up bracing for the storm, so if the power doesn't go on Monday, we'll be back then. Later taters! I know. Really lame. Comix out!

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