Monday, December 30, 2013
Comix Comeback
One thousand apoligies for my absence! I must first say that Comix will sadly only be updating when info comes. Regardless, we begin with a new plot. Dr. Krattz finally cones to the Comix world and plots to steal back many alien characters such as David and Glimon to once again be his servants as they were before escaping through Krattz' prototype portal. Now some info. Comix moose is capable of turning a bathtub into a disco. Finally, the newest characters: Hubert, Penny, Cassius and Yamaha: 4 scientists, a water buffalo, cardinal, cassowary and dragonfly. Eyeless Trevor: A stickman whose eyes are always falling out. He is very sensitive about the subject. Blogger: An obese man constantly recording the goings on in Comix. We are not related. Monday: The most hated character of all, a meek blue monster with 2 sprigs of hair. Friday: Monday's beloved brother wearing tap shoes, shades and a beanie. King Cut: The ancient Egyptian ancestor of Skizzaz with a more rigid look and collar. That should do it for now, but expect updates when the are available.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Tighten the sail and refasten the fallafels, Comix is back! Did you know... We can thank a wonderful man named Larry Tesler for copy and paste. (under his breath)(bless you Tesler) Britain's youngest mother was 15. (why?!) Chuck Fooping Norris was the original pick for Red on That 70's show. According to Google calculator, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything. Lobsters were once a sign of poverty. That's all for this week! I am now going to write without correcting spelling mistakes. Is tnia froving uoi nuats? Cpmic out!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Weekly weirdos and info
I really don't have an excuse for yesterday. I kind of just forgot. ...Are you still there? I can feel your scorn. );
I apoligize for that. Defibros:Two fuzzy hamster-like creatures connected at the tail that act as a defibrilator if Eeli is unavailable. Perrytechnic: A pyromaniac parrot and associate to such hooligans as Flick and Slakko. The Onions: A group of grumpy onions in the Comix kitchen that make people miserable. The Laramies: The fire-alarms of the condos, a family of orange spherical creatures with arms that serve as the little thingy that "rings" the alarm. I may be thinking of a school bell, but kuddos to anyone who understood what I was rambling about. Chélo: 3rd cousin twice removed of Mr. Blob, a red mass of jello. Thats all for the characters, but as for info, the floorplans are being made for a Comix video game. Get excited! It might be here by the time you're 40! Comix out!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Firstly, I know I promised the characters, but I come today with an urget re-update involving the character Skorpee, a scorpion that is being redone. Instead of being a villain he is simply a video-game obsessed jerk named High-score-pion.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Comix Returns!
I'm finally done with that list and Comix is back! One plot has arrived, and the characters will be discussed tomorrow. Essentially, a cereal killer (purposely misspelled, and yes, the one from the short of the same name, has been spotted in WhereveritisComixtakesplacein, so the whole gang has to play out the whole "plane trip" plot to escape, but soon discover they're not alone. (By that I mean the killer joined them) trolololo...
Friday, November 22, 2013
Massive character update
Still not done with that list, but here is a huge update of all the characters thought up in the interim.
Urman 2.0: An updated form of Urman with a shorter tail and a suit.
Parry: An ant infected with the cordyceps mushroom. He is never seen moving or doing anything for that matter.
SIRUS: Comix Moose's somehow sentient snap-phone. It has 4 retractable arms and a digitized face.
Larry: A human scientist, even higher in position than Jelreson.
Friedman: A seagull with blue eyes and a beret. Originally named French Freid.
Crazy Face: Lazer Face's nemesis, a disembodied pair of pitch black lips and red eyes with flaming black hair and arms that extend out of his mouth at will.
Akatik: A strange wooden Pikmin-like creature with leaves atop his head.
Jeffrey the talking road cone: A talking road cone. Duh.
Mind Behind: A cyborg boy in a parka, he is the reason for most all of the happenings in the Comix universe.
Mistake: The only character to be in C.G.I., a snowman bodied, tie wearing, crippled, mutant-armed, one eyed monster from Chernobyl itself.
That's all for now. Have a nice weekend, and Comix out!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Weekly weirdos
Taking another break from the list to give you guys a rundown of the new guys.
Dr. Krattz: A strange mutated alien who, in the Comix continuity, does not exist. His main goal is to become real and make the world what he desires.
Neph: One of two armed guards of the building, Neph is based on the Nephilim of Sumerian lore.
Thomas: A turkey scientist studying fungi.
Jelreson: Ever wonder who the big boss of all the scientists is? It's Jelreson, an extremely elderly and belligerent jellyfish.
Cooté: Somewhat less elderly than Jelreson, Cooté is Clucky's many greats grandfather, a coot that hates everything under the sun. DO NOT GET HIM ANGRY.
That's all for now! Comix out!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Hey guys! I'm taking a breif break from my studies to tell you about a new character: Quickdraw Turndial. Quickdraw is an Etch-a-Sketch inspired character, and whatever is drawn on him becomes real. He has to draw a mouth in order to speak, however. Expect more updates as they become available.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Temporary break
So, as you may not know, I am a follower of natural sciences, and the reason I haven't been posting lately, and that is because I am making a comprehensive list of every specie of fauna (mammal, bird, fish, reptile, amphibian, etc.) Yeah, it's not all stupid stars and ROFLcopters with me! God, you people are so assumptive! I'm out! (indeterminate grumbling)
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
A one hour epic-sode will feature the gang invading Cartman's flotilla of sky-subs to defeat him once and for all.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Weekly weirdos
First of all, I have noticed the lack of spaces in between facts and characters on posts, and apparently, my posts can't have those spaces anymore. Anyone who knows how to fix this please comment.
Anywhom, this week's characters are...
Galvin: A galvanized (Look it up) thunder-monster.
Dusty: A tiny tornado, no taller than Shrew, but quick to anger.
Frumbloom: A frog/lizard that walks on two tentacle like legs. Has an umbrella for a tongue.
??? (no name given): Reginald's age old enemy, a punk rock egret from Reg's days on the streets.
Bierny: An old coot, or should I say barnacle. Pronounced byarnee.
So, that should be all for today! Comix out!
Friday, November 1, 2013
First off, sorry for my absence yesterday. I was going to type something up really quick, but everyone had already left the office, and it got spooky. ...
Well, this is awkward. More than twice as much chocolate is sold on Halloween than Valentine's day. Annually, over 35 million lbs of candy corn is sold. This year alone, parents will spend 1 billion dollars on children's Halloween costumes. Despite having different colors, Froot Loops are all the same flavor. Aaaannnd... I don't have a 5th fact. (Backing away slowly) okaybyeguyshaveaniceweekendcomixout!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Battle stations
In one episode, Cartman is approaching the building in a lightning storm, and in a fit of early castles, Quentin boards up the door and everyone is ready to throw stones and toss down boiling oil.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
With Halloween on the way here in the states, here are the costumes of several Comix characters.
London B. Fallin: Frankestein's Monster.
Snobowl: 80's afro guy.
Heizmos Morton Royce and Lenny: Zombie hoard.
Epic Face: Jack o' lantern.
Shorp: Package to Montevideo.
Elder Waffle: Murder Victim.
Epic Waffle: Murderer.
Laughing Pickle: Steampunk pickle.
Quakky: Referee.
Boo! Comix out!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Snobowl's headband covers a massive afro made of snow. An afsno, if you will. He pretty much just has to dye it rainbow colors for an instant Halloween costume.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Weekly weirdos and trivia
Well, this week's characters are finally out. They are...
Sootface mc Carrotnose: A snowman made of only one snowball. Have to wonder who was asleep in the naming department. (offscreen: Whazzat Steven? It WAS me? oh.) Yeah,gonna hand out some pink slips for that one.
Birdman: A large cardinal like bird with the size and stature of a man. Has wings and hands, like a bat.
Mortarmer: Snobowl's cousin who fought in the Gnome Beach Dravesty. He resembles his cousin but more rigid and always holding a rocket belt and 3 mortars.
Dishard: One of the building's satellite dishes that came to life for some reason.
Oak: An oak leaf rattlesnake allied with Shrew and the other scientists.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, the trivia.
Mosquitoes are duel offenders. They will actually urinate on you after they suck your blood.
An Ecuadorian swing sits on the edge of a cliff. It has no safety rails either.
The U.S. has the highest minimum drinking age in the world. And they say America has problems.
Without a point of reference, no human can walk a straight line.
The Library of Congress is archiving every Tweet on record.
Well, I was going to wrap up with a picture of a mosquito, but for some reason pasting no longer works. Why me? Comix out!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Cartman update
Cartman will eventually make enough earnings to purchase a mansion plagued with black magic protectance. The mansion drips with ghosts, devil plants and other ghastly occurences. The mansion changes based around Cartman's command.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Evil mountain
Only one idea has come to light: Mr. Volcano. He is a living volcano with a longstanding rivalry with mountain man. Hopefully more will be discovered soon.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Life leecher
Hey guys, Comix here with a breif post explaining a new character. Some ideas were concieved by our executives and hopefully they will be pitched to me tomorrow so I can write about them.
Leechy: An abnormally large leech. His distinguishing feature is that, while most leeches drain blood, if Leechy clamps on to you, he will drain your personality, leaving an emotionless husk behind. If he is set on fire, he will release the personality. A plot point in one episode is him draining everyone's personality.
That's all for Leechy, so I'll...
Leechy: An abnormally large leech. His distinguishing feature is that, while most leeches drain blood, if Leechy clamps on to you, he will drain your personality, leaving an emotionless husk behind. If he is set on fire, he will release the personality. A plot point in one episode is him draining everyone's personality.
That's all for Leechy, so I'll...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Trivia and Entity
Yes, I'm back again.
An hour of sleep will heed 10 hours of energy.
In 1997, a game of tug-of-war severed 2 men's limbs.
Ants have graveyards for their deceased.
The super mushrooms in Mario are based on the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.
Speaking of the plumber, he was apparently Donkey Kong's owner, and the ape was so mistreated that he went on a rage and stole Peach.
Childhood ruined.
...Ah. yes! Entity! Entity is a new character, a stick figure from space, with tentacles. That's about it.
An hour of sleep will heed 10 hours of energy.
In 1997, a game of tug-of-war severed 2 men's limbs.
Ants have graveyards for their deceased.
The super mushrooms in Mario are based on the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.
Speaking of the plumber, he was apparently Donkey Kong's owner, and the ape was so mistreated that he went on a rage and stole Peach.
Childhood ruined.
...Ah. yes! Entity! Entity is a new character, a stick figure from space, with tentacles. That's about it.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Weekly weirdos
This week's weirdos are...
Slitherydee: The mythical beast of legend, a massive sea serpent, Cartman's only original character. Can only be summoned by reciting the beast's rhyme backward.
Mountain Man: A mountain man. Derp. His job is to stand behind the buildings and look majestic.
Renald: A living bar stool that resides in the Comix cafe. He does not allow people to sit on him after a traumatic experience at a fat camp.
Varnum: A vampiric blob with a top hat. He seems to be on good terms with the gang.
Dominique: A four legged blue monster with stickman arms and a construction hat. You guessed it, he's a construction worker.
That's all, but I must aploigize for yesterday. Blasted meetings! Comix out!
Slitherydee: The mythical beast of legend, a massive sea serpent, Cartman's only original character. Can only be summoned by reciting the beast's rhyme backward.
Mountain Man: A mountain man. Derp. His job is to stand behind the buildings and look majestic.
Renald: A living bar stool that resides in the Comix cafe. He does not allow people to sit on him after a traumatic experience at a fat camp.
Varnum: A vampiric blob with a top hat. He seems to be on good terms with the gang.
Dominique: A four legged blue monster with stickman arms and a construction hat. You guessed it, he's a construction worker.
That's all, but I must aploigize for yesterday. Blasted meetings! Comix out!
Monday, October 14, 2013
A little devil often comes to Earth to torment Shrew Glasses, but is relatively harmless, if not as bad as Trolling Troll.
Friday, October 11, 2013
New ghost and trivia
So, a major break has come through! Heizmos, Morton, Royce, and Lenny will be adding a 5th ghost to Team Spirit: Moltos. This orange ghost is the perfect killing machine, utilizing fire, electricity, and tentacles.
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
Ohio outlaws running out of gas.
Try to count how many times you swallow during a meal. It will most likely be around 295!
Men, have you kissed your wife this morning? TRICK QUESTION. IF YOU ARE ON THIS SITE YOU PROBABLY DON'T HAVE A WIFE. But seriously, if you do, kiss her. You've been scientifically proven to live longer.
Monopoly was originally circular.
If a wolverine was the size of a bear, it would be the most powerful animal on the planet.
Don't be sad about the no wife thing, forever alones. Enjoy the weekend, along with the rest of you!
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
Ohio outlaws running out of gas.
Try to count how many times you swallow during a meal. It will most likely be around 295!
Men, have you kissed your wife this morning? TRICK QUESTION. IF YOU ARE ON THIS SITE YOU PROBABLY DON'T HAVE A WIFE. But seriously, if you do, kiss her. You've been scientifically proven to live longer.
Monopoly was originally circular.
If a wolverine was the size of a bear, it would be the most powerful animal on the planet.
Don't be sad about the no wife thing, forever alones. Enjoy the weekend, along with the rest of you!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Weekly weirdos
This one got posted a bit late, but let's just start anyway.
Kid Randolph: The youngest of a group of economically powerful gerbils that are none too pleasant to be around.
Mr. Randolph: Kid Randolph's dad, a gerbil with a bowl haircut.
Sir Randolph: Mr. Randolph's dad, a gray haired gerbil and the oldest Randolph.
Nitsugami: An intricately designed paper crane that features a color scheme of yellow and tan on red.
Stumpkin: A weedy little pumpkin who, in one episode, is assisted in becoming a stagecoach that is also little.
So, that's about all for this fine hump day in Comix!
Into the portal!
^-^ ( )
( )
Kid Randolph: The youngest of a group of economically powerful gerbils that are none too pleasant to be around.
Mr. Randolph: Kid Randolph's dad, a gerbil with a bowl haircut.
Sir Randolph: Mr. Randolph's dad, a gray haired gerbil and the oldest Randolph.
Nitsugami: An intricately designed paper crane that features a color scheme of yellow and tan on red.
Stumpkin: A weedy little pumpkin who, in one episode, is assisted in becoming a stagecoach that is also little.
So, that's about all for this fine hump day in Comix!
Into the portal!
^-^ ( )
( )
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Cartman update
This just in! Cartman's last name is Peggleworth.
Also, his great great many great grandfather was the founder of the oringinal Comix building. I'm going to end the post here so you can wrap your head around that twist.
Also, his great great many great grandfather was the founder of the oringinal Comix building. I'm going to end the post here so you can wrap your head around that twist.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Laxative tadpole.
The man who commisioned the Mona Lisa refused ownership of it.
Wooden clarinets are always made from granadilla wood.
Camels are born without humps.
Turkeys are named so for the country it was assumed they came from.
In Florida, it is illegal not to tell your neighbor that their house is on fire. Dafluff?

Hump day!!!
Enjoy the weekend, guys! Comix out!
The man who commisioned the Mona Lisa refused ownership of it.
Wooden clarinets are always made from granadilla wood.
Camels are born without humps.
Turkeys are named so for the country it was assumed they came from.
In Florida, it is illegal not to tell your neighbor that their house is on fire. Dafluff?
Hump day!!!
Enjoy the weekend, guys! Comix out!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Random Plot
This is the plot for the episode "Something Pickle This Way Comes". One day, a mysterious man comes to the buildings and demands that the laughing pickle be reclaimed to him. Turns out, L.P. is literally a perfect pickle, with symmetrical bumps and everything. There is, however, one flaw. He needs to be soaked for 5 more minutes and, according to the man, "Consumed properly.". When the gang refuses to hand over Pickle, he snatches the laugher and runs. From here on in it is an epic race against the clock to avoid a vinegar-y grave.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
I have made a clerical error. It turns out that the alcolytes are actually referred to as Furmen, and they carry miscellanious jobs through all the buildings.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Weekly Weirdos
Yep. More characters.
The Screaming Librarian: A librarian bird with small glasses and a habit for extreme hypocrisy. She screams frequently, but always enforces the quiet law. Works in one of the Comix condos' library.
Alcolytes: Small holographic-colored bird men/plague doctors that serve as underworkers to The Screaming Librarian. They do not speak, there are around 20 of them, and they visibly fear her.
Ward: A loon scientist who works on miscellanious items with Shrew.
Jackie: A jogging ghost-thing who doesn't really live in any of the buildings, but just sort of jogs around outside.
Doge: A derpy shiba inu dog that can be seen roaming the halls of one of the buildings.

Doge seen here.
I am literally drowning in characters. blarblearb b;ardb whatevs. Comix out!
The Screaming Librarian: A librarian bird with small glasses and a habit for extreme hypocrisy. She screams frequently, but always enforces the quiet law. Works in one of the Comix condos' library.
Alcolytes: Small holographic-colored bird men/plague doctors that serve as underworkers to The Screaming Librarian. They do not speak, there are around 20 of them, and they visibly fear her.
Ward: A loon scientist who works on miscellanious items with Shrew.
Jackie: A jogging ghost-thing who doesn't really live in any of the buildings, but just sort of jogs around outside.
Doge: A derpy shiba inu dog that can be seen roaming the halls of one of the buildings.
Doge seen here.
I am literally drowning in characters. blarblearb b;ardb whatevs. Comix out!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Heizmos, Morton, Royce, and Lenny collectively refer to themselves as '' Team Spirit.''
See what we did there?
See what we did there?
Friday, September 27, 2013
Massive post
Pardon yesterday's no show, but the entire team is working now. Characters and plots are being created at an alarming rate! We will start this massive post with some of the characters.
Floxten: An evil elf similar to Vincent. He is allied with Ross and serves as his prime source of bail money.
Trolling Troll: A tiny troll whose sole purpose is to cause suffering and flame others. He wears a gold chain around his neck.
Professor Euctis: Allied with Shrew, and the professor of sleep research, a koala in a nightgown.
Crawford: A crab scientist that studies the pain threshold.
Next up, a plot:
Season 4 finale: Comix Moose wakes up one morning to discover that everyone, except for himself, Epic Face and Heizmos have mysteriously dissapeared. They trace what little evidence they have to Cartman and his cronies, who have seized a paddleboat and are keeping everyone incarcerated inside it. Before they can rescue everyone, however, Heizmos vanishes and reappears behind bars. Upon picking the lock to Skizzaz's cage, the latter runs around freeing everyone by biting the bars down. After an evacuation, Comix Moose squares off agains Cartman's gang. He employs sharp wits and manages to utilize a life raft right before the paddleboat, with Cartman and his crew inside, crashes into a dock and is blown to bits. Comix Moose rejoins everyone on a large, almost cruise ship like boat. However, the return back is no cruise, as the whole misadventure veered them wildly off couse. Upon returning home, Comix Moose and the others are shocked to find their buildings burned to a crisp and crumbling. They discover an elf hat and some pencil shavings at the scene of the crime...
Finally, some trivia:
315 entries in the 1996 Webster's Dictionary were misspelled.
After sunset, it is illegal to walk backwards in Devon, C.T.
There is a popcorn museum in Ohio!
The only solid colored flag is that of Libya
Some seals are actually prone to seasickness. Can't imagine how hard that must be on them.

Clearly, this seal is living for today. Have a nice weekend!
Floxten: An evil elf similar to Vincent. He is allied with Ross and serves as his prime source of bail money.
Trolling Troll: A tiny troll whose sole purpose is to cause suffering and flame others. He wears a gold chain around his neck.
Professor Euctis: Allied with Shrew, and the professor of sleep research, a koala in a nightgown.
Crawford: A crab scientist that studies the pain threshold.
Next up, a plot:
Season 4 finale: Comix Moose wakes up one morning to discover that everyone, except for himself, Epic Face and Heizmos have mysteriously dissapeared. They trace what little evidence they have to Cartman and his cronies, who have seized a paddleboat and are keeping everyone incarcerated inside it. Before they can rescue everyone, however, Heizmos vanishes and reappears behind bars. Upon picking the lock to Skizzaz's cage, the latter runs around freeing everyone by biting the bars down. After an evacuation, Comix Moose squares off agains Cartman's gang. He employs sharp wits and manages to utilize a life raft right before the paddleboat, with Cartman and his crew inside, crashes into a dock and is blown to bits. Comix Moose rejoins everyone on a large, almost cruise ship like boat. However, the return back is no cruise, as the whole misadventure veered them wildly off couse. Upon returning home, Comix Moose and the others are shocked to find their buildings burned to a crisp and crumbling. They discover an elf hat and some pencil shavings at the scene of the crime...
Finally, some trivia:
315 entries in the 1996 Webster's Dictionary were misspelled.
After sunset, it is illegal to walk backwards in Devon, C.T.
There is a popcorn museum in Ohio!
The only solid colored flag is that of Libya
Some seals are actually prone to seasickness. Can't imagine how hard that must be on them.
Clearly, this seal is living for today. Have a nice weekend!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Weekly weirdos
I know the last Weirdos were a few days ago, but a fresh batch has already been concieved. The first 3 were created by yours truly, and the last 2 by Rhys. All of them are part of the scientist organization with Shrew and the others.
Hooper: Easily the dumbest of the scientists, Hooper is a great horned owl who only shows a remote amount of intelligence.
Carpmann: A carp scientist with a waterproof lab coat. He lives in a fish bowl that gets wifi and is currently working on constructing a set of human lungs for himself.
Mongkowski: This mongoose scientist has made great strides in the field of burrowing inventions.
Sir Cat: One of two benefactors and sponsors of the scientist group, a cat wearing spectacles and a suit with colors inverted from those of the regular lab coat (His is black with a white tie.). He has a ball of yarn on his head which serves as a constant source of bewilderment for him.
Reginald Pondhopper: The second benefactor, a toad with the same suit as Sir Cat. His jumping abilities, however, are questionable. As is his craving for flying insects, which has, how to put this, opened up a few job spots.
Once again, that will be all. See you all later! Comix out!
Hooper: Easily the dumbest of the scientists, Hooper is a great horned owl who only shows a remote amount of intelligence.
Carpmann: A carp scientist with a waterproof lab coat. He lives in a fish bowl that gets wifi and is currently working on constructing a set of human lungs for himself.
Mongkowski: This mongoose scientist has made great strides in the field of burrowing inventions.
Sir Cat: One of two benefactors and sponsors of the scientist group, a cat wearing spectacles and a suit with colors inverted from those of the regular lab coat (His is black with a white tie.). He has a ball of yarn on his head which serves as a constant source of bewilderment for him.
Reginald Pondhopper: The second benefactor, a toad with the same suit as Sir Cat. His jumping abilities, however, are questionable. As is his craving for flying insects, which has, how to put this, opened up a few job spots.
Once again, that will be all. See you all later! Comix out!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Cartman update
More info about that no good Cartman has come to light. It turns out that he and all of his knock-off characters do, in fact, live in a popcorn cart. I lol at this. Lol.
In addition, a Derp ripoff, named Herp, has been discovered.
So has a Stick Steve ripoff, Stick Frank.
With these characters, it is surprising that the cart has space for everyone. Well, it does. Barely. I lol again. Lol.
I lol, and yet they are still more popular than Comix. Anti lol. Comix out!
In addition, a Derp ripoff, named Herp, has been discovered.
So has a Stick Steve ripoff, Stick Frank.
With these characters, it is surprising that the cart has space for everyone. Well, it does. Barely. I lol again. Lol.
I lol, and yet they are still more popular than Comix. Anti lol. Comix out!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
Weekly Weirdos
The following characters were concieved by Rhys. Also, I apoligize for no trivia today, but this is a bit more urgent.
Urman: A holographic green hamster with a small mouse-like tail.
Mysterious Character: Nothing is known about him. Let's keep it that way!
Raging Robot: A hacking device in the form of a microchip with a face and jetpack. Created by the nefarious rip off artist Cartman to track the Comix characters and make rip offs of them. He went haywire and rampages around, hence his name.
These two (Plus a bonus 1) were concieved by I.
Boomer: A 4 legged ball with a face. He is sometimes tossed like a boomerang, and is a messenger for the group.
Brice: Frigid Phil's best friend, a frozen fish that can apparently think and all that. Still, who in Comix has enough brain to blow their nose? (Rimshot.) Hey yo!!!!
Cro Magma: A blob of prehistoric magma weilding a club. Thousands of years of cooling has made him harmless to touch.
So, in conclusion of another week, Comix out, and... stuff. PACHOOO!!!
Urman: A holographic green hamster with a small mouse-like tail.
Mysterious Character: Nothing is known about him. Let's keep it that way!
Raging Robot: A hacking device in the form of a microchip with a face and jetpack. Created by the nefarious rip off artist Cartman to track the Comix characters and make rip offs of them. He went haywire and rampages around, hence his name.
These two (Plus a bonus 1) were concieved by I.
Boomer: A 4 legged ball with a face. He is sometimes tossed like a boomerang, and is a messenger for the group.
Brice: Frigid Phil's best friend, a frozen fish that can apparently think and all that. Still, who in Comix has enough brain to blow their nose? (Rimshot.) Hey yo!!!!
Cro Magma: A blob of prehistoric magma weilding a club. Thousands of years of cooling has made him harmless to touch.
So, in conclusion of another week, Comix out, and... stuff. PACHOOO!!!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Fanny pack
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Random plot
This week's random unbranched plot is for the season 3 finale. It starts with a panned out shot of the Earth drying out, and the sun burning out and expanding. Back on Earth, panicked humans, animals, and Comix characters are disintegranting rapidly. Through all the madness, Comix Moose and a new clock like character, currently unnamed, escape through a time vortex. Comix Moose directly addresses the viewer and explains the story thus far: A new character arrives at the building, with the ability to warp time, but with a pleasant disposition otherwise. From the start, Ross seems interested in the guy, and keeps stalking him for an unknown purpose. It is then revealed that if he can jam the clock, he can warp time at his will, and wishes to use this to burn out the sun. In a moment of surprise, he seizes the oppritunity and jams the clock, escaping through a vortex. Shrew Glasses explains the danger, and C.M. and Random Guy escape through the same warp. This brings us back to the introduction scene, and the flashback ends.
Part 2 of this description will come when it is concieved.
Part 2 of this description will come when it is concieved.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Unrelated info
Monday, September 16, 2013
Did you know? The Comix building(s) partake in picture day once annually. Getting everyone together for the group photo is the true ordeal.
Friday, September 13, 2013
I hate auto correct and now it is time for trivia!
Fold a $1 bill correctly and it will read "Trust No One."
South Korea has a Forever Alone Day.
All the characters in Toy Story blink one eye at a time.
A swan could die of a broken heart if it loses its mate.
Cutting a rose stem 4 times vertically and soaking each part in a different colored dye will heed a rainbow rose!
So, yeah. That's about all. Also, the hawk from yesterday is still flying around with me and the laptop. Comix ou-
Fold a $1 bill correctly and it will read "Trust No One."
South Korea has a Forever Alone Day.
All the characters in Toy Story blink one eye at a time.
A swan could die of a broken heart if it loses its mate.
Cutting a rose stem 4 times vertically and soaking each part in a different colored dye will heed a rainbow rose!
So, yeah. That's about all. Also, the hawk from yesterday is still flying around with me and the laptop. Comix ou-
Thursday, September 12, 2013
One episode will feature a deranged fan of Comix who attempts to piggy back off of Comix's popularity. He enforces an army of fraud characters. They are...
Comix Deer
Angry Roach
P.U. Glasses
Elder Pancake
The Hollering Pickle
And an unnamed Heizmos rip off.
The gang fight back with originality, and ultimately win their title back.
But not really. I would also like to share two 10 second shorts.
"The Danger of Being a Small Person With a Small Dog"
Plot: The title flashes, with an annoucer reading it off. Directly afterward, we see a small stick figure walking a small fluffy dog of indeterminate species. Thereafter, a stylized red tailed hawk grabs the dog and the stick figure with it. The stick figure hangs on to the leash for dear life, the title flashes again, and the skit ends.
"The Expendables"
Plot: Much like the previous skit, the title flashes at the beginning, and then cuts to 4 stick figures. Abruptly, two are hit by a meteor, and one inexplicably explodes. The title flashes one more time, and the skit ends.
The hawk can be seen in the background of various episodes, still carrying the dog and owner. Fortunately, I am not small enough to worry about haw-
Comix Deer
Angry Roach
P.U. Glasses
Elder Pancake
The Hollering Pickle
And an unnamed Heizmos rip off.
The gang fight back with originality, and ultimately win their title back.
But not really. I would also like to share two 10 second shorts.
"The Danger of Being a Small Person With a Small Dog"
Plot: The title flashes, with an annoucer reading it off. Directly afterward, we see a small stick figure walking a small fluffy dog of indeterminate species. Thereafter, a stylized red tailed hawk grabs the dog and the stick figure with it. The stick figure hangs on to the leash for dear life, the title flashes again, and the skit ends.
"The Expendables"
Plot: Much like the previous skit, the title flashes at the beginning, and then cuts to 4 stick figures. Abruptly, two are hit by a meteor, and one inexplicably explodes. The title flashes one more time, and the skit ends.
The hawk can be seen in the background of various episodes, still carrying the dog and owner. Fortunately, I am not small enough to worry about haw-
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Random plot
Comix Moose will, in one episode, become in charge of fire inventory and go overboard, casting everyone away.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Did you know? Listening closely to any tv in Comix will reveal some very strange things. For example, in one episode, some characters are talking near a tv. If one listens in, the channel is a news station reporting that a peacock exploded and killed 7 people.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Weekly Weirdos
I have run out of ways to start posts, so, yeah.
The Chanchus: A number of medium sized golden toads based on an ancient Chinese seismograph. It is uncertain just how many of them there are, but we assume there are anywhere from 5 to 12.
Guy in the Sky: An ENORMOUS man riding around in a cloud. He is easily one of the largest characters, but this is unofficial, as he can shrink and grow as he pleases.
Samson: A strange 2 headed purple humanoid. We avoided cliche by making each head equally dumb!
Snoa: A large semi-frozen white snake, presumably a boa, judging by her name.
David: A tall round light green monster that, despite his efforts, always ends up unintentionally hurting people.
That's about all for toda--
Chanchu attack!! helpdnciheducheodicjmmeeee[,se]-].../????/
The Chanchus: A number of medium sized golden toads based on an ancient Chinese seismograph. It is uncertain just how many of them there are, but we assume there are anywhere from 5 to 12.
Guy in the Sky: An ENORMOUS man riding around in a cloud. He is easily one of the largest characters, but this is unofficial, as he can shrink and grow as he pleases.
Samson: A strange 2 headed purple humanoid. We avoided cliche by making each head equally dumb!
Snoa: A large semi-frozen white snake, presumably a boa, judging by her name.
David: A tall round light green monster that, despite his efforts, always ends up unintentionally hurting people.
That's about all for toda--
Chanchu attack!! helpdnciheducheodicjmmeeee[,se]-].../????/
Friday, September 6, 2013
The time is nigh for something to happen! ... ... ...
Overthinking can slow your brain down.
Each Chili's has one upside down picture.
Cherries can cause Cancer cells to kill themselves.
Percussive maintenance refers to hitting something until it works.
Real diamonds do not show up on an x-ray.
So, that's about it. The time is nigh for the en-
Overthinking can slow your brain down.
Each Chili's has one upside down picture.
Cherries can cause Cancer cells to kill themselves.
Percussive maintenance refers to hitting something until it works.
Real diamonds do not show up on an x-ray.
So, that's about it. The time is nigh for the en-
Thursday, September 5, 2013
New intro info
Each season of Comix will feature a new intro scene. One season will feature Elder Waffle, Mr. Roach, Heizmos, Shrew Glasses, Epic Face, Quentin, and Comix Moose stacked on top of each other.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Mr. Roach's favorites
After the piece of work that was Comix Moose's Favorites, we bring you the succesion! Here are Mr. Roach's favorite...
Food: Meat pies.
Activity: A tie between eating and playing R.P.G.s.
Animal: Snow Leopard.
Tent: Tent of prediction.
Grocery Store: Stahp and Goe.
Language: His own.
Instrument: Caliope.
Computer game: Slender.
Magazine: Time.
Endangered animal: Snow leopard. Duh.
Girl Scout Cookie: Peanut Butter.
Guan: Dusky legged guan.
Minecraft Block: Emerald.
Meme: Lolcats.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for....
THE END. Comix out!
Food: Meat pies.
Activity: A tie between eating and playing R.P.G.s.
Animal: Snow Leopard.
Tent: Tent of prediction.
Grocery Store: Stahp and Goe.
Language: His own.
Instrument: Caliope.
Computer game: Slender.
Magazine: Time.
Endangered animal: Snow leopard. Duh.
Girl Scout Cookie: Peanut Butter.
Guan: Dusky legged guan.
Minecraft Block: Emerald.
Meme: Lolcats.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for....
THE END. Comix out!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Double dose
In observance of Labor Day, Comix was out yesterday. Those unfamiliar or out of the area where Labor Day is celebrated, please roll with it. To compensate, however, today's post will feature Info and a Mini Fanny Pack*.
*Mini Fanny Pack- one or more random photos scattered throughout the post.
Info: Did you know? Besides adoribirds, strange birds that resemble single eighth notes reside around the Comix building.
Mini Pack:


As always, click for better view, I do not own these, blah, blah, lorem ipsum.
*Mini Fanny Pack- one or more random photos scattered throughout the post.
Info: Did you know? Besides adoribirds, strange birds that resemble single eighth notes reside around the Comix building.
Mini Pack:
As always, click for better view, I do not own these, blah, blah, lorem ipsum.
I cannot think of a way to end this.
Me. ----^
Friday, August 30, 2013
First off, I would like to apologize for my absence yesterday, as a meeting ran overtime. But rest assured, Comix has returned. Also, I figured out how to make spaces on a mobile device post. Without further chitchat, the trivia!
Eggplants and thistles are related.
An iguana can remain submerged underwater for almost a half hour.
The garfish has green bones.
Diastima refers to the condition in which someone has a gap between their teeth.
In terms of pound for pound strength, babies are more powerful than oxen.
So, that concludes another week of Comix! Have a nice weekend! Comix out!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Featured short
This week's featured short is a little skit called "Quack boom itis". The plot is as follows: A doctor diagnoses a duck with the titular disease, and a three note scare chord plays. On the third note, the duck spontaneously explodes. Animation style: Hand puppet/ animation mix. Characters: duck, hand puppet doctor. Running time: 10 seconds. The doctor is played by a real life hand puppet, but everything else is animated. That concludes this episode of Featured Sho-BOOOM!!!!!!! Quack!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Did you know? Pre demolition, the Comix building had no health care, which would explain the sheer number of hazards abound.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Fanny pack
Here we have some bunny advice, a... thing, a sheepig, some wolves of philosophy, and the law of stick physique. I do not own these pictures, and they can be clicked for a better view, as always.
That's about it for today, so I will see you Comixers tomorrow!
I'm starting to think that Comix fans should have a better name as a whole. I'll think about a replacement.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Did you know that Fanta Orange is the 3rd largest selling soft drink in the world? It is also my favorite. We have four more facts where that came from, so enjoy!
Planting an apple seed almost gurantees that the tree of a different type of apple grows.
It is possible for a fetus to get the hiccups. 0_0
A lone pea has 14 chromosomes.
The first letters of the months July through November spell JASON, and more serial killers are born in November than any other month. Coincidence? I think not.
That about does it for today, and ergo the week, so drop back on Monday for more, and have a nice weekend!
Planting an apple seed almost gurantees that the tree of a different type of apple grows.
It is possible for a fetus to get the hiccups. 0_0
A lone pea has 14 chromosomes.
The first letters of the months July through November spell JASON, and more serial killers are born in November than any other month. Coincidence? I think not.
That about does it for today, and ergo the week, so drop back on Monday for more, and have a nice weekend!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Weekly Weirdos
Hello and welcome to another Weekly Weirdos segment, brought to you by Brand Ex's grow your own date! This week's weirdos are...
Lil' Punk Pete: An absurdly tiny human boy with an equally small guitar, a mohawk, and a bad rocker attitude to boot.
Flick: This matchstickman carries traits of well, a match and a stickman. He is a pyromaniac.
Barry: A, how do I put this delicately, horizontally tall human dedicated to longboarding and fast food, currently working on a combination of the 2.
London B. Falling: This ridiculously tall stickman is strangely not British, or as far as we know, even from Europe.
Suzie and The Beast: A cute little girl by day, but at night, Suzie becomes a pygmy werewolf, still just as dangerous. Enjoys bouncing a rubber ball around during the day.
This has been Weekly Weirdos. Thanks for viewing! Comix out! Oh, wait, completely unrelated:
Lil' Punk Pete: An absurdly tiny human boy with an equally small guitar, a mohawk, and a bad rocker attitude to boot.
Flick: This matchstickman carries traits of well, a match and a stickman. He is a pyromaniac.
Barry: A, how do I put this delicately, horizontally tall human dedicated to longboarding and fast food, currently working on a combination of the 2.
London B. Falling: This ridiculously tall stickman is strangely not British, or as far as we know, even from Europe.
Suzie and The Beast: A cute little girl by day, but at night, Suzie becomes a pygmy werewolf, still just as dangerous. Enjoys bouncing a rubber ball around during the day.
This has been Weekly Weirdos. Thanks for viewing! Comix out! Oh, wait, completely unrelated:
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Featured Quote
We are back with another installment of the rare segment, Featured Quote. This installment's quote comes to us from Joe, the little Pac Man esque character. He says this so often, it could be considered his catch phrase. The quote is, "The things I do for my hat." Followed almost directly by him going to bizarre lengths to get his hat back. I blame the liberal media. Comix out!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
More info
Did you know? One episode involves Mr.Roach settling a cat v.s dog argument by taking in hundreds upon hundreds of cats.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
I just woke up, and the train leaves in 2 hours, so this post must be quick. Also, this post was typed on a mobile device, so there will be no spaces in between facts. Somebody please tell me if there is a way to fix that. Fact 1: Blowtorching Pepto Bismol will result in a hunk of metal. Fact 2: There's enough water pressure in one onion cell to make a steam engine explode! Fact 3: Manatees have vocal chords enabling them to possess human speech, but they are not put to good use because manatees have no ears with which to hear the sounds, therefore they go about their lives speechless. Fact 4: The dvorak keyboard is 20 times faster and more efficient than qwerty. Fact 5: Female pigeons must be in company to be able to lay eggs. Even a single other pigeon will do, but they can't lay eggs alone. So, that's all for this week, and be sure to come back for another week of Comix!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Weekly weirdos
Abrakaderp! That didn't do anything, I just wanted to say it. ... So... yes.
Skeletina: A living lady skeleton with a pink and black dress. Lives in the basement of one of the Condos.
Frigid Phil: A human in a sleeping bag, constantly followed by a small snow storm.
Quizzard: A wizard that has a question mark dangling from his wizard cap. Much like I, he is a master of trivia, and easily one of the smartest characters.
Morris: A senile old man with a viking hat and a beard covering his entire lower body. He uses his beard as an excuse to not wear clothes.
Sonny: A very tall surly sunflower that will pick a fight with anyone. Walks around on his roots.
All of these characters were created by Comix's executive character designer, Tyler. These are not all of his creations, however, and more will be spotlighted next week. And maybe the week after that, considering his productivity. Now, as previously stated, trivia will be posted early tomorrow morning. By the time some of you read this, it may be up. Until then, Comixers!
Skeletina: A living lady skeleton with a pink and black dress. Lives in the basement of one of the Condos.
Frigid Phil: A human in a sleeping bag, constantly followed by a small snow storm.
Quizzard: A wizard that has a question mark dangling from his wizard cap. Much like I, he is a master of trivia, and easily one of the smartest characters.
Morris: A senile old man with a viking hat and a beard covering his entire lower body. He uses his beard as an excuse to not wear clothes.
Sonny: A very tall surly sunflower that will pick a fight with anyone. Walks around on his roots.
All of these characters were created by Comix's executive character designer, Tyler. These are not all of his creations, however, and more will be spotlighted next week. And maybe the week after that, considering his productivity. Now, as previously stated, trivia will be posted early tomorrow morning. By the time some of you read this, it may be up. Until then, Comixers!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
More deets
Here are some more details about This Land is Your Landlord that were not discussed.
Comix Moose teams up with his manifested subconscious to round up all his friends.
He attaches Wormo to Rodney and drops them out the window, reeling in several fish characters.
He slingshots some smaller characters into the building using Elasticandies attached to Jerf's antlers. Once inside, they are stowed in cardboard boxes by Conscious Moose.
Others are tossed inside just so and land in the closet.
Still others are caught in large nets and hauled up the windows.
Some flying characters are caught in a sack by Conscious Moose and tossed in the skylight.
Two bird characters are lured to the windows and locked in a closet.
And to think, all of this happens behind the landlord's back! Also, Elasticandies do not exist. That is all.
Comix Moose teams up with his manifested subconscious to round up all his friends.
He attaches Wormo to Rodney and drops them out the window, reeling in several fish characters.
He slingshots some smaller characters into the building using Elasticandies attached to Jerf's antlers. Once inside, they are stowed in cardboard boxes by Conscious Moose.
Others are tossed inside just so and land in the closet.
Still others are caught in large nets and hauled up the windows.
Some flying characters are caught in a sack by Conscious Moose and tossed in the skylight.
Two bird characters are lured to the windows and locked in a closet.
And to think, all of this happens behind the landlord's back! Also, Elasticandies do not exist. That is all.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Did you know? Shrew Glasses can reverse engineer a necrovirus capable of creating a zombie apocalypse, but cannot open a pickle jar. He's missing out, let me tell you.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Figures update
Hey guys! Comix here coming with an update of the Comix mini figures, more specifically some size details.
The figures aren't exactly scale model, as they each stand 1/2 to 1 inch tall.
They vary in width but are approxamately 1 inch wide.
On their bottom sides, their name and number are engraved.
Now, I know that's not really alot, but I must make ready for a museum trip on Friday, but worry not! Before I leave in the morning I will do a breif trivia post. Or do trivia tomorrow and info on Friday. I don't exactly know yet. But I will find out and the week will run normally. As for now, Comix file signing off!
The figures aren't exactly scale model, as they each stand 1/2 to 1 inch tall.
They vary in width but are approxamately 1 inch wide.
On their bottom sides, their name and number are engraved.
Now, I know that's not really alot, but I must make ready for a museum trip on Friday, but worry not! Before I leave in the morning I will do a breif trivia post. Or do trivia tomorrow and info on Friday. I don't exactly know yet. But I will find out and the week will run normally. As for now, Comix file signing off!
Friday, August 9, 2013
It's that time of the week yet again, so let's get right in to this batch of factoids!
Honey badgers reportedly kidnap baby cheetahs. They just don't care!
Also about honey badgers, they can withstand blows via machetes, arrows, and spears. Ladies and gentlemen, the Chuck Norris of the animal kingdom.
Ironically, the smallest bird in Britain (the firecrest) weighs as much as a teaspoonful of sugar. I could burst into song about that, but you are all safe from that. For now.
Leonardo da Vinci often bought caged animals and set them free thereafter. That's a concept I can get behind!
In Japan it is now illegal to be overweight. ... ... ...
Honey badgers reportedly kidnap baby cheetahs. They just don't care!
Also about honey badgers, they can withstand blows via machetes, arrows, and spears. Ladies and gentlemen, the Chuck Norris of the animal kingdom.
Ironically, the smallest bird in Britain (the firecrest) weighs as much as a teaspoonful of sugar. I could burst into song about that, but you are all safe from that. For now.
Leonardo da Vinci often bought caged animals and set them free thereafter. That's a concept I can get behind!
In Japan it is now illegal to be overweight. ... ... ...
"I'm the smallest bird in Bri..." "I DON'T CAAAAAAARREEE!!!!!"
Well, he should care that the week is over. And as for you Comixers, come back on Monday for more Comix, and little to no juniper berries.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Fanny pack
There is a baby crying next door and I can't focus, so let's post this quickly.
Por... (Gets distracted by baby crying.)
This week's photos are p...(Distraction.)
(Baby is quiet.)





Wait, these are HEDGEHOGS!!! Oh well. Even cuter, if you ask me.
I do not own these, all rights to their original owners, click for better views, etc.
Count hedgy: Be aware, be prepared. Also, come back tomorrow for trivia!
Por... (Gets distracted by baby crying.)
This week's photos are p...(Distraction.)
(Baby is quiet.)
Wait, these are HEDGEHOGS!!! Oh well. Even cuter, if you ask me.
I do not own these, all rights to their original owners, click for better views, etc.
Count hedgy: Be aware, be prepared. Also, come back tomorrow for trivia!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Weekly weirdos
I am a dancing juniper berry and it is time for Weekly weirdos. Also, these characters are no longer in numerical order.
Eggbot: A large robot, obviously shaped like an egg. A mysterious man operates Eggbot from the inside.
Giovanni: A fox that thinks he is a wolf. He is not. He is not a dancing juniper berry. I am a dancing juniper berry.
Bloess: An elephant that, unlike most elephants, has wings for ears and flies around like a juniper berry. A dancing juniper berry.
Darko: A seedy shady black bat that sells magic beans. "MAGIC".
Legs: A rattlesnake with anxiety issues that lives in a turtle shell. He loops in and out of the limb holes, fostering the illusion of legs.
Well , as we dancing juniper berries say, ....
Sorry, guys. The juniper berry tribe took over Comix inc., and I just punched out Lord Juniperberry. Turns out, dancing juniper berries are far more efficient at hostile takeovers than tree kangaroos. Anyway, that juniper goof did the post for me! Dancing Comix berries out!
Eggbot: A large robot, obviously shaped like an egg. A mysterious man operates Eggbot from the inside.
Giovanni: A fox that thinks he is a wolf. He is not. He is not a dancing juniper berry. I am a dancing juniper berry.
Bloess: An elephant that, unlike most elephants, has wings for ears and flies around like a juniper berry. A dancing juniper berry.
Darko: A seedy shady black bat that sells magic beans. "MAGIC".
Legs: A rattlesnake with anxiety issues that lives in a turtle shell. He loops in and out of the limb holes, fostering the illusion of legs.
Well , as we dancing juniper berries say, ....
Sorry, guys. The juniper berry tribe took over Comix inc., and I just punched out Lord Juniperberry. Turns out, dancing juniper berries are far more efficient at hostile takeovers than tree kangaroos. Anyway, that juniper goof did the post for me! Dancing Comix berries out!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Did you know? Another popular drink in the Comix universe, aside from Slurpees and peach cola, is Cactus Pop, which I'm pretty sure is just a cactus with a straw stuck in it. That can't have gone over well with The Funky Cactus.
Still, he appears to be a saguaro, and the Pop seems to be made from prickly pears.
I do not own this picture.
I do not own this picture.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Return and important updates
We are back! As for the sudden decrease in posts, I recently recieved some very sad news, and had to spend a few days cooling down. This may be getting tedious, but I assure you that The Comix File is back on track. As for the important updates, Pop Comix is resigning. I will be the first to admit that it was a pretty dumb concept. But with resignation comes rebirth. Weekly Weirdos will be able to live up to its name and will occur once a week. Trivia and Info are also staying, along with Tripler, Fanny Pack, and the occasional Character of the Week, if a character is major enough. And a slew of new characters have been created, so there's no shortage of material! Prepare for Eggbots, bats, and flying elephants. All of this is coming up on The Comix File, so stay tuned!
See us off, Comedy Chipmunk!
*incoherent chittering*
Haha, this guy! Comix signing off
See us off, Comedy Chipmunk!
*incoherent chittering*
Haha, this guy! Comix signing off
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
More info
First off, it has been decided that the title of this segment is to be changed from "Info that corresponds with yesterday's info" for length reasons.
Did you know? Season 3 will be shorter than the other seasons because only so much can be told about Shrew Glasses without leaving a little ambiguity in his backstory.
Did you know? Season 3 will be shorter than the other seasons because only so much can be told about Shrew Glasses without leaving a little ambiguity in his backstory.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Did you know? The 3rd season of Comix prominently spotlights Shrew Glasses, and his backstory and accomplices.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Belated Trivia
First of all, I know what you're going to say. "WHERE THE FLYING FLIPFLOPPING FLANCAKE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!" Honestly, I have no idea. I completely forgot on Friday, and I was going to post on Saturday to compensate, but for whatever reason, that slipped my mind, too. By Sunday, it was pretty much a lost cause. As an apology of sorts, 10 facts will be presented today.
Alcatraz, as in the prison, is Spanish for pelican. ( Or gannet. )
Craving ice cream? Start to work for Ben and Jerry's, as you'll be able to take home 3 pints of ice cream a day.
Some rivers run on the sea floor. That explains Goo Lagoon.
Have you turned 31 yet? If so, you have lived through one billion seconds.
A radio signal from space was picked up by Earth in 1977. The signal lasted a little over a minute, and nobody knows from whence it came.
The Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad is adorned with brilliant purple markings resembling music notes and various other symbols.
Pressing stop stop play on a DVD remote will skip all the ads and trailers.
There are trees that can grow up to 7 different fruits at a time.
Been friends with someone for more than 7 years? The friendship is scientifically proven to last a lifetime.
Since its discovery, Pluto has yet to perform a full orbit.

Hopefully, this covers my absence. ... The feeling is mutual!
... Yeah, you too! ... Okay then. See you tomorrow!
Alcatraz, as in the prison, is Spanish for pelican. ( Or gannet. )
Craving ice cream? Start to work for Ben and Jerry's, as you'll be able to take home 3 pints of ice cream a day.
Some rivers run on the sea floor. That explains Goo Lagoon.
Have you turned 31 yet? If so, you have lived through one billion seconds.
A radio signal from space was picked up by Earth in 1977. The signal lasted a little over a minute, and nobody knows from whence it came.
The Costa Rican Variable Harlequin Toad is adorned with brilliant purple markings resembling music notes and various other symbols.
Pressing stop stop play on a DVD remote will skip all the ads and trailers.
There are trees that can grow up to 7 different fruits at a time.
Been friends with someone for more than 7 years? The friendship is scientifically proven to last a lifetime.
Since its discovery, Pluto has yet to perform a full orbit.
Hopefully, this covers my absence. ... The feeling is mutual!
... Yeah, you too! ... Okay then. See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Answers and Fanny pack
You ready for yesterday's answers? Well, you might already know them, but here they are anyways!
Answer 1: On a remote island.
Answer 2: A rare cactus flower.
Answer 3: "..." Translates to "Comix out!" .
Answer 4: Endangered Species Monthly.
HARDCORE ANSWER 5: 5 branches.
And now, at the request of Shrew, the Fanny pack this time features tarsiers, the main focus of this month's issue of Endagered Species Monthly.





I do not own these pictures.
So, yet again, as a cherry would say, ...!
NOTE! Endangered Species Monthly is a fictional magazine intended to inspire humor. Don't ever go around thinking that this is a real magazine. Ever. Ever ever ever. Never. DON'T DO IT, MAN!
Answer 1: On a remote island.
Answer 2: A rare cactus flower.
Answer 3: "..." Translates to "Comix out!" .
Answer 4: Endangered Species Monthly.
HARDCORE ANSWER 5: 5 branches.
And now, at the request of Shrew, the Fanny pack this time features tarsiers, the main focus of this month's issue of Endagered Species Monthly.
I do not own these pictures.
So, yet again, as a cherry would say, ...!
NOTE! Endangered Species Monthly is a fictional magazine intended to inspire humor. Don't ever go around thinking that this is a real magazine. Ever. Ever ever ever. Never. DON'T DO IT, MAN!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Pop Comix
As the week starteth again, the Pop questions floweth forth. Doth thou knoweth the answers to these questions? We shall findeth out.'
Question 1: Where was Dr. Duckbill studying before the events of "Reunion"?
Question 2: WHAT was he studying there?
Question 3: Translate the following phrase from cherry language to human language: "..."
Question 4: What magazine is Shrew Glasses currently subscribed to?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: How many branches did the candelabra that pulverized Shrew Glasses in season 1 have?
Come back tomorrow if you want the answers, or just skim through and find them yourself. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. Comix, signing off!
Question 1: Where was Dr. Duckbill studying before the events of "Reunion"?
Question 2: WHAT was he studying there?
Question 3: Translate the following phrase from cherry language to human language: "..."
Question 4: What magazine is Shrew Glasses currently subscribed to?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: How many branches did the candelabra that pulverized Shrew Glasses in season 1 have?
Come back tomorrow if you want the answers, or just skim through and find them yourself. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. Comix, signing off!
Friday, July 19, 2013
This week's trivia brought to carrots and peas... Also, this is being typed from a mobile device, so there will be no spaces. Sad face. Fact 1: Elephants dislike bees. Fact 2: The world's biggest backpack weighs 143 pounds. Fact 3: A mother is more likely to get struck by lightning than give birth to three identical babies. Fact 4: Teddy bears have been launched into space and returned safely to Earth. Fact 5: Life sized dentist chairs have been made from cardboard. That's all for today, and also this week, and also this century. See you in a millennium!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Meeting info
In one episode, everyone gathers into a meeting room to discuss skits and episodes, showing that they have a somewhat decent grasp of their situation in a tv show
Seating: Some of the larger folk are in the back of the room, and 3 table like characters sit in the middle of the room, with smaller characters on those tables, and most medium sized characters on the floor. Comix Moose sits on a balcony above the room when he is not on center stage, taking questions and requests.
Films: Comix Moose takes requests when anyone wants to see some of their skits, or a particular compilation of episode moments or shorts.
Privacy: The meeting seems to be secret, as all of the characters go to great lengths to exit their condos and get to the meeting room without being noticed by the public ( People outside the building. )
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some buisiness to attend to. ( slinking away ) *CRASH* BOOM *qUAcK!!!
Seating: Some of the larger folk are in the back of the room, and 3 table like characters sit in the middle of the room, with smaller characters on those tables, and most medium sized characters on the floor. Comix Moose sits on a balcony above the room when he is not on center stage, taking questions and requests.
Films: Comix Moose takes requests when anyone wants to see some of their skits, or a particular compilation of episode moments or shorts.
Privacy: The meeting seems to be secret, as all of the characters go to great lengths to exit their condos and get to the meeting room without being noticed by the public ( People outside the building. )
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some buisiness to attend to. ( slinking away ) *CRASH* BOOM *qUAcK!!!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Answers and featured short
Hello Comixers and welcome to another post! Yesterday's answers are...
Answer 1: Yes.
Answer 2: Expendable C-Lister.
Answer 3: Cutsie Tech & Prep.
Answer 4: Scrabblpuss.
HARDCORE ANSWER 5: Xtrabssjdjfjldnejfherufhemdnekdkoewjdkwdnk.
The last one's a doozie, I know. But enjoy this featured short:
Plot: A snake is singing "You are my Sunshine", when a large toad comes out of no-where and eats it. From inside the toad, the snake is heard finishing his song.
Characters: Toad, snake.
Length: 20 seconds.
That's all for now. I'd do more, but a giant toad just ate me. Comix out!
seriously, can somebody get me out of here?...
Answer 1: Yes.
Answer 2: Expendable C-Lister.
Answer 3: Cutsie Tech & Prep.
Answer 4: Scrabblpuss.
HARDCORE ANSWER 5: Xtrabssjdjfjldnejfherufhemdnekdkoewjdkwdnk.
The last one's a doozie, I know. But enjoy this featured short:
Plot: A snake is singing "You are my Sunshine", when a large toad comes out of no-where and eats it. From inside the toad, the snake is heard finishing his song.
Characters: Toad, snake.
Length: 20 seconds.
That's all for now. I'd do more, but a giant toad just ate me. Comix out!
seriously, can somebody get me out of here?...
Monday, July 15, 2013
Pop Comix
Welcome back! This week's 5 questions are...
Question 1: Is it bad to be a mango?
Question 2: What is Steve's screen name?
Question 3: From where did Robob graduate?
Question 4: What is the name of Comix Moose's cat?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What does Mr. Bentley's middle initial stand for?
As usual, come back for the answers tomorrow, bing bang boom alpha mago delta tango wibbly wobbly timey wimey!
Question 1: Is it bad to be a mango?
Question 2: What is Steve's screen name?
Question 3: From where did Robob graduate?
Question 4: What is the name of Comix Moose's cat?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What does Mr. Bentley's middle initial stand for?
As usual, come back for the answers tomorrow, bing bang boom alpha mago delta tango wibbly wobbly timey wimey!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Comix comin' at ya with 5 more freakish facts!
Pulling duct tape apart quickly in the dark will cause it to glow blue!
The Sahara desert will become green and lush within 15,000 years.
The cute little topknot on a quail's head is called a hmuh.
At least half of the Earth's population sneaks snacks into a theater to avoid paying high prices for snacks.
A cute little baby water deer can almost fit in the palm of your hand.

Cute little tiny little baby water deer shown in this picture that I do not own.
Thanks, Publisher's Clearing House, I'm not Steve Harvey and I'll see you on Monday! Comix Feud out!
Pulling duct tape apart quickly in the dark will cause it to glow blue!
The Sahara desert will become green and lush within 15,000 years.
The cute little topknot on a quail's head is called a hmuh.
At least half of the Earth's population sneaks snacks into a theater to avoid paying high prices for snacks.
A cute little baby water deer can almost fit in the palm of your hand.
Cute little tiny little baby water deer shown in this picture that I do not own.
Thanks, Publisher's Clearing House, I'm not Steve Harvey and I'll see you on Monday! Comix Feud out!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Did you know? Today is free Slurpee day at 7 11! Also, did you know? Characters have been seen drinking Slurpees in Comix. Flavors are unknown.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Weekly weirdos
Hello and welcome, but lets cut the chatter and get to the matter:
Venus Sky Trap: Sky for short. A flying flytrap with clouds for leaves. Air headed.
Glimon: Strange yellow chibi lemon man with high heels and a ninja headband.
Jumpy: A living jumper cable with 2 wires for feet. Serves as the resident kickstarter.
Kally: The runner of the Comix cafeteria, an octopus-like monster with only 2 tentacles and a headband similar to Glimon's.
Miniminiman: Small two headed creature with stick figure legs. Surprisingly strong.
Benton: A semi entertaining stick figure with dirty blonde hair.
That be all for today. Comix signing off!
Venus Sky Trap: Sky for short. A flying flytrap with clouds for leaves. Air headed.
Glimon: Strange yellow chibi lemon man with high heels and a ninja headband.
Jumpy: A living jumper cable with 2 wires for feet. Serves as the resident kickstarter.
Kally: The runner of the Comix cafeteria, an octopus-like monster with only 2 tentacles and a headband similar to Glimon's.
Miniminiman: Small two headed creature with stick figure legs. Surprisingly strong.
Benton: A semi entertaining stick figure with dirty blonde hair.
That be all for today. Comix signing off!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Answers and lolly
Time to check your answers! Take out your virtual pens and swap computers with someone else.
Answer 1: Iberia.
Answer 2: Anarchy Dan.
Answer 3: Myopia.
Answer 4: Alvin the Alpaca.
And now, for your troubles, a pop of the lolly variety:
I do not own this picture. See yesterday's post if you don't understand the "pop of the lolly variety" joke.
I know the lollipop looks delicious, but don't lick the screen! (Especially with all the virtual ink all over it.)
Answer 1: Iberia.
Answer 2: Anarchy Dan.
Answer 3: Myopia.
Answer 4: Alvin the Alpaca.
And now, for your troubles, a pop of the lolly variety:
I do not own this picture. See yesterday's post if you don't understand the "pop of the lolly variety" joke.
I know the lollipop looks delicious, but don't lick the screen! (Especially with all the virtual ink all over it.)
Monday, July 8, 2013
Pop Comix
Five pops coming your way! Also, they are not of the lolly variety.
Question 1: Where was Kafloom made?
Question 2: What character carries around a giant tennis racquet?
Question 3: What optic ailment does Shrew Glasses suffer from?
Question 4: Which beeny plush is Snobowl's favorite?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Do I hate silverfish?
Silverfish does not include Sam. I like him. I also like saying that we will be back tomorrow, so we will be back tomorrow!
Question 1: Where was Kafloom made?
Question 2: What character carries around a giant tennis racquet?
Question 3: What optic ailment does Shrew Glasses suffer from?
Question 4: Which beeny plush is Snobowl's favorite?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Do I hate silverfish?
Silverfish does not include Sam. I like him. I also like saying that we will be back tomorrow, so we will be back tomorrow!
Friday, July 5, 2013
In observance of the 4th of July, Comix was out yesterday. But today we are back with 5 back to back facts!
Placing caterpillars in a circle will cause them to follow each other around until death.
Cats have caused the global extinction of 33 species.
Yes, the snipe is a real bird. No, it is not enormous, but it is pretty fast.
Even if it is wilted beyond healing, the Serbian Phoenix flower comes back to life when watered.
54% of Nutella is sugar. 30% is fat. Still, who cares? Nutella is delicious!

Who would kill a caterpillar this cute?


Sorry, snipe, that's all the time we have for today. Say goodbye to the Nutella, and come back on Monday!
Also I do not own these pics.
Placing caterpillars in a circle will cause them to follow each other around until death.
Cats have caused the global extinction of 33 species.
Yes, the snipe is a real bird. No, it is not enormous, but it is pretty fast.
Even if it is wilted beyond healing, the Serbian Phoenix flower comes back to life when watered.
54% of Nutella is sugar. 30% is fat. Still, who cares? Nutella is delicious!
Who would kill a caterpillar this cute?
Sorry, snipe, that's all the time we have for today. Say goodbye to the Nutella, and come back on Monday!
Also I do not own these pics.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Chips, chase scene and a confusing Captcha
Well, I said Tripler was coming back, didn't I? And what better day to start it back up than today, so let's start off with chips, more specifically the favorite chips of Comix characters:
Comix Moose: Sour cream and onion Pringles.
Mr. Roach: Classic Lays: The air chip.
Shrew Glasses: Does not eat chips. Prefers cheese puffs.
Now, the starting point for a chase scene: Mr. Roach is on the chase for, well, honestly we haven't decided what he's chasing yet. We do know that he starts off rampaging down the hallways of the Comix building. He then trips over Sir Toytle, who retreats into his shell. Mr. Roach tosses the shell aside, where it crashes into Squiddy Lee, Quakky, and a stick figure. Still running, Mr. R. jumps on Epic Face and begins rolling around, knocking down other innocent characters in his way. Epic Face hits the wall, causing Mr. Roach to go flying out the window. Still on a rampage, he casts aside the two golfing aliens mentioned last week, causing them to land in the golf hole ( Actually a black hole. ) and get flushed in like bugs in a toilet.
This is all the scene has so far.
Now, the confusing Captcha:

Hmm, to type or not to type. What a conundrum, enigma, or in other words, puzzle. Something that's NOT a puzzle, however, is whether or not you fans will be back tomorrow. See you then! Comix out!
Comix Moose: Sour cream and onion Pringles.
Mr. Roach: Classic Lays: The air chip.
Shrew Glasses: Does not eat chips. Prefers cheese puffs.
Now, the starting point for a chase scene: Mr. Roach is on the chase for, well, honestly we haven't decided what he's chasing yet. We do know that he starts off rampaging down the hallways of the Comix building. He then trips over Sir Toytle, who retreats into his shell. Mr. Roach tosses the shell aside, where it crashes into Squiddy Lee, Quakky, and a stick figure. Still running, Mr. R. jumps on Epic Face and begins rolling around, knocking down other innocent characters in his way. Epic Face hits the wall, causing Mr. Roach to go flying out the window. Still on a rampage, he casts aside the two golfing aliens mentioned last week, causing them to land in the golf hole ( Actually a black hole. ) and get flushed in like bugs in a toilet.
This is all the scene has so far.
Now, the confusing Captcha:
Hmm, to type or not to type. What a conundrum, enigma, or in other words, puzzle. Something that's NOT a puzzle, however, is whether or not you fans will be back tomorrow. See you then! Comix out!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Answers and info
From now on, to prevent confusion, "Question 1,2,3,etc.," will be called "Answer 1,2,3,etc.," in the answer posts, like this:
Answer 1: Deviled egg.
Answer 2: Team Comix Moose.
Answer 3: Graphic tees and bean buns.
Answer 4: Comix Moose
Answer 5: To obtain berries.
Like that. And now, for some info. Did you know? One plot involves the characters collecting and trading Komix Kards, with Comix Moose obsessively trying to be the first to collect all of them. Too bad he only got interested after a few hundred were released!
Now, some news. The tripler posts seem to have vanished out of thin air, but I assure you they will come back!
Answer 1: Deviled egg.
Answer 2: Team Comix Moose.
Answer 3: Graphic tees and bean buns.
Answer 4: Comix Moose
Answer 5: To obtain berries.
Like that. And now, for some info. Did you know? One plot involves the characters collecting and trading Komix Kards, with Comix Moose obsessively trying to be the first to collect all of them. Too bad he only got interested after a few hundred were released!
Now, some news. The tripler posts seem to have vanished out of thin air, but I assure you they will come back!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Pop Comix
It's been 2 days, and so starts another fruitful week of Comix, starting with these questions:
Question 1: What was Comix Moose's Halloween costume last year?
Question 2: Which team won the 2012 Comix Prank War?
Question 3: Jerf dislikes what two things?
Question 4: Who takes 'em and makes 'em at the Slurp and Burp?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What was the purpose of Comix Moose's Goldberg contraption?
Even though I haven't revealed the answer, I trust that I don't need a Goldberg contraption to ask you to come back tomorrow on Comix!
Question 1: What was Comix Moose's Halloween costume last year?
Question 2: Which team won the 2012 Comix Prank War?
Question 3: Jerf dislikes what two things?
Question 4: Who takes 'em and makes 'em at the Slurp and Burp?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What was the purpose of Comix Moose's Goldberg contraption?
Even though I haven't revealed the answer, I trust that I don't need a Goldberg contraption to ask you to come back tomorrow on Comix!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Five fast facts coming your way, so prepare for an amazing pleasure as has never happened before..... Also, this is being typed from a mobile device, so the format will be a little different than the original. Fact 1: Spiders actually wrap up leftovers, ala fast food restaurant. Fact 2: Depressed chameleons turn gray. Fact 3: There is such a thing as too prickly, as there is a place where one can obtain cactus ice cream. Fact 4: Comix Moose wouldn't be happy to hear that the noses of his bretherin are eaten in Canada. Fact 5: On the topic of freaky eats, animal feet are an enjoyed food in some parts of the world. That does it for this week. Stay tuned for next week's Comix chronicles!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Featured short
The short of this every other month is "Black Hole". The plot is as follows: A cow gets sucked into a tornado. The tornado spits the cow out on to a U.F.O that abducts the cow and then deposits it in a black hole. For some reason, the black hole turns into a golf hole, and shows two golfing aliens. Come back tomorrow for trivia, and watch out for those aliens playing golf!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Weekly weirdos
Weekly weirdos. Weirdos of the week.The following 5 characters have truly earned this distinction. That or I really needed something to post and didn't want to compile another Fannypack. These characters were also created by Rhys.
Crazy Shrew, or Thomas Morgan Shrew-Dillo the third: An insane shrew/armadillo hybrid, related to Shrew G.
Vincent Van Elf: Shrew G.'s intern, an elf that turns to the dark side later on in the series.
Derp: Not to be confused with the purple bird of the same name, Derp is a living teddy bear that Shrew G. brought to life.
Sergeant Joe Potato: Leader of the evil Veggie Armada, a living potato with a helmet and several badges.
Dr. Minehoff: A balding pelican scientist studying antimatter, working for Shrew G.'s cause.
That does it for today, so come back for more Comix tomorrow!
Crazy Shrew, or Thomas Morgan Shrew-Dillo the third: An insane shrew/armadillo hybrid, related to Shrew G.
Vincent Van Elf: Shrew G.'s intern, an elf that turns to the dark side later on in the series.
Derp: Not to be confused with the purple bird of the same name, Derp is a living teddy bear that Shrew G. brought to life.
Sergeant Joe Potato: Leader of the evil Veggie Armada, a living potato with a helmet and several badges.
Dr. Minehoff: A balding pelican scientist studying antimatter, working for Shrew G.'s cause.
That does it for today, so come back for more Comix tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Answers and info
As Luke Skywalker once said, "Let's see the answers to yesterday's questions, Bob!"
Question 1: Elder Waffle and Slobstopper.
Question 2: True.
Question 3: Over 75 flavors.
Question 4: Classic animation.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Bruce, from an episode of his own name.
Now, for some info! Did you know? In one episode, everyone is hypnotised into attacking Comix Moose. The hypnotiser is none other than Crazed Comix Fan, another character created by Rhys.
Question 1: Elder Waffle and Slobstopper.
Question 2: True.
Question 3: Over 75 flavors.
Question 4: Classic animation.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Bruce, from an episode of his own name.
Now, for some info! Did you know? In one episode, everyone is hypnotised into attacking Comix Moose. The hypnotiser is none other than Crazed Comix Fan, another character created by Rhys.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Pop Comix
Pop quiz time! Get ready for 5 more questions of the Comix kind!
Question 1: Which two characters battled it out in round 1 of Battle?
Question 2: True or false? Shrew Glasses is allergic to pistachios.
Question 3: How many flavors does the Skull Smasher have?
Question 4: What style of animation was "Stumpy" made with?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What fish was bent on destroying the mailman in one early episode?
Come back tomorrow for the answers, stay cool, and remain calm!
Question 1: Which two characters battled it out in round 1 of Battle?
Question 2: True or false? Shrew Glasses is allergic to pistachios.
Question 3: How many flavors does the Skull Smasher have?
Question 4: What style of animation was "Stumpy" made with?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What fish was bent on destroying the mailman in one early episode?
Come back tomorrow for the answers, stay cool, and remain calm!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Our business trip is over, just in time for the following 5 facts!
Sheep can recognise each other via pictures! "Baabra, is that you?"
Also about the wooly jumpers, sheep can only drink from still water, not running water.
EVEN MORE about the sheep: A sheep, duck, and rooster were the 1st three passengers in a hot air balloon.
As of today ( Give or take depending on your time zone ), every aardvark in the world is allergic to radishes and will remain that way until the first day of autumn.
To burn off the equivalent of one M&M candy, you must walk a full football field.
And now, enjoy this crochet aardvark. All credit goes to June at PlanetJune!
Stay away from the radishes and come back on Monday, loyal fans!
Sheep can recognise each other via pictures! "Baabra, is that you?"
Also about the wooly jumpers, sheep can only drink from still water, not running water.
EVEN MORE about the sheep: A sheep, duck, and rooster were the 1st three passengers in a hot air balloon.
As of today ( Give or take depending on your time zone ), every aardvark in the world is allergic to radishes and will remain that way until the first day of autumn.
To burn off the equivalent of one M&M candy, you must walk a full football field.
Stay away from the radishes and come back on Monday, loyal fans!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Small break
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Did you know? Epic Face's dad is a larger version of him with a green stick body and 4 cyborg stick legs.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Character of the week
Instead of the usual Pop Comix, another character has been created that is important enough to make a post about: Dr. Duckbill, created by Comix's own Rhys Casstevens. First, I need to tell you something about Shrew Glasses: He is an avid scientist, and in his glory days was part of a group of animals that includes Dr. Duckbill, and also Hoppy and Sly Fox, who you will learn about later.
Appearance: A bipedal platypus wearing a lab coat with a black tie. There are two tufts of gray hair on either side of his head. His pocket protector is on backwards. There is a shirt sleeve on the bottom of his coat's back end, and his tail fits through this sleeve.
Full name: Alabaster Duckbill.
Originally had a hat, replaced by his hair tufts. Also, was a duck, but this was changed to a platypus.
Episode: Dr. Duckbill's starring appearance was the episode "Reunion!". He has made cameos since then.
Personality: An eccentric old man type.
Back when he and Shrew were a team, he had a bushy black stache and hair to match.
Before Reunion, he was studying a rare cactus flower on a remote island.
a;saPLSXKS;LAX!!!! Sorry, I just stubbed my toe. HARD. On a lead case. Now if you'll excuse me, I belive that's all Dr. D's info, i'm going to pass out. frgdgdhd cjaeku;/w-
Appearance: A bipedal platypus wearing a lab coat with a black tie. There are two tufts of gray hair on either side of his head. His pocket protector is on backwards. There is a shirt sleeve on the bottom of his coat's back end, and his tail fits through this sleeve.
Full name: Alabaster Duckbill.
Originally had a hat, replaced by his hair tufts. Also, was a duck, but this was changed to a platypus.
Episode: Dr. Duckbill's starring appearance was the episode "Reunion!". He has made cameos since then.
Personality: An eccentric old man type.
Back when he and Shrew were a team, he had a bushy black stache and hair to match.
Before Reunion, he was studying a rare cactus flower on a remote island.
a;saPLSXKS;LAX!!!! Sorry, I just stubbed my toe. HARD. On a lead case. Now if you'll excuse me, I belive that's all Dr. D's info, i'm going to pass out. frgdgdhd cjaeku;/w-
Friday, June 14, 2013
Let's get the next 5 facts underway, Comixers!
Hot water freezes faster than cold water!
Some species of fish do indeed vocalize.
In Idaho, you may not fish on the back of a camel.
Citronella irritates a mosquito's feet, hence the reason it repels them.
Within 24 hours of birth, a hedgehog's spines will develop.
Keep hedge-hoggin' it guys! Comix out!
Hot water freezes faster than cold water!
Some species of fish do indeed vocalize.
In Idaho, you may not fish on the back of a camel.
Citronella irritates a mosquito's feet, hence the reason it repels them.
Within 24 hours of birth, a hedgehog's spines will develop.
Keep hedge-hoggin' it guys! Comix out!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Weekly weirdos
This post was brought to you by Poland
Springs, because I'm thirsty. Also, this banana:
On with the show!
Frenchine: An orange flamingo with a purple beret and blonde bangs.
Shorp: Shrew Glasses' pet blue dog/chicken/sheep/axolotl. "What happened to Atom?" you ask. I answer. He released atom.
Bodaddy: A giant daddy longlegs with 6 superlong legs. The other 2 serve as arms.
Fluffy Jon: A puffball that few people know is actually an angora rabbit.
Crawco: Literally a coconut crab. That is to say, a crab with a coconut half as a shell.
Now I have to find a regular angora. My pillow was stolen. Comix out!
On with the show!
Frenchine: An orange flamingo with a purple beret and blonde bangs.
Shorp: Shrew Glasses' pet blue dog/chicken/sheep/axolotl. "What happened to Atom?" you ask. I answer. He released atom.
Bodaddy: A giant daddy longlegs with 6 superlong legs. The other 2 serve as arms.
Fluffy Jon: A puffball that few people know is actually an angora rabbit.
Crawco: Literally a coconut crab. That is to say, a crab with a coconut half as a shell.
Now I have to find a regular angora. My pillow was stolen. Comix out!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Answers and info
I'm a little jittery today, so let's just skip the pleasantries and get right to the answers!
Question 1: Kafloom, Squeg, and Pointerpete.
Question 2: 10 legs.
Question 3: Sushi house, or Sushi hut.
Question 4: False. He is a rejected idea.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Blooblud Blooburd.
Now the info: Did you know? The Comix Enpsychopedia reveals that Comix Moose's dad is named Alce.
Question 1: Kafloom, Squeg, and Pointerpete.
Question 2: 10 legs.
Question 3: Sushi house, or Sushi hut.
Question 4: False. He is a rejected idea.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Blooblud Blooburd.
Now the info: Did you know? The Comix Enpsychopedia reveals that Comix Moose's dad is named Alce.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Pop Comix
Pop! Get ready for some questions!
Question 1: Which 3 characters fought in the war of '69?
Question 2: How many legs does Miles have?
Question 3: Our Japanese viewers won't have any trouble with this one. What is the name of this restaurant in English: 寿司小屋 ?
Question 4: True or false? Seahorse dude is an official character.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Flerp's species?
As Flerp would say "GET GUESSING YOU SACRELIGIOUS JACKDAW!!!". Jeez, harsh.
Question 1: Which 3 characters fought in the war of '69?
Question 2: How many legs does Miles have?
Question 3: Our Japanese viewers won't have any trouble with this one. What is the name of this restaurant in English: 寿司小屋 ?
Question 4: True or false? Seahorse dude is an official character.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Flerp's species?
As Flerp would say "GET GUESSING YOU SACRELIGIOUS JACKDAW!!!". Jeez, harsh.
Friday, June 7, 2013
As sure as 5 plus 7 equals negative potato, it is time for more trivia! These factoids double as advice!
If you don't want the camera to add ten lbs, wear green!
Maple syrup is good on pancakes AND good for fighting cancer!
Want good dreams? Go to sleep in a warm room!
Beetles taste like apples!
It takes more water to make a bottle than to fill it!
I hope you take some of the advice to heart, just as I hope to see you again on Monday!
If you don't want the camera to add ten lbs, wear green!
Maple syrup is good on pancakes AND good for fighting cancer!
Want good dreams? Go to sleep in a warm room!
Beetles taste like apples!
It takes more water to make a bottle than to fill it!
I hope you take some of the advice to heart, just as I hope to see you again on Monday!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Komix Kards update
The following is an update of Komix Kards. More K.K. information has been revealed (A.K.A. I thought up some new stuff.).
The back of each card will include some general information including the character's height in feet, weight in pounds, description, species, and sprite.
You may be wondering what the sprite is for, as there is no Comix video game. Oh, just you wait! And you will also have to wait for tomorrow's trivia, as well as I have to check my sources (A.K.A. make sure that is running.). The proper word change can really make a sentence sound different!
The back of each card will include some general information including the character's height in feet, weight in pounds, description, species, and sprite.
You may be wondering what the sprite is for, as there is no Comix video game. Oh, just you wait! And you will also have to wait for tomorrow's trivia, as well as I have to check my sources (A.K.A. make sure that is running.). The proper word change can really make a sentence sound different!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Featured quote and thanks
Welcome back! First of all I'd like to thank you all for The Comix File's 2000th pageview! I couldn't do it without you loyal fans. Now, this quote comes from Klum Flumpet, the crazy curser. The symbols and grawlix are there because we want this to be a family friendly blog. Here is the quote: "/()$;?&CHURCH BELLS.()$'@@&):ELEVATOR SHAFT;?$$?!';)$TASMANIAN DEVIL35$,?!!??!'ORACLE37$($&???:@@ALLEMANDE LEFT():?!?!!'TRAFFIC CONE!!!!!". Cue a cut to Comix Moose's mortified expression. Also cue end transmission.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Answers and info
Let's see how good you did on yesterday's questions!
Question 1: 10 per pack.
Question 2: Yes, via a pair of wings.
Question 3: 7 parts.
Question 4: Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: KobraKadabra72.
Now, the info I promised you: Did you know? The Windex Magpies appear on a tree outside one Comix condo.
Question 1: 10 per pack.
Question 2: Yes, via a pair of wings.
Question 3: 7 parts.
Question 4: Muscles Glasses from Epic Meal Time.
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: KobraKadabra72.
Now, the info I promised you: Did you know? The Windex Magpies appear on a tree outside one Comix condo.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Pop Comix
Quiz time! Do you know the answers to the following questions?
Question 1: How many cards are there per pack of Komix Kards?
Question 2: Can Shrew Glasses fly?
Question 3: How many parts did it take to name ALL the characters!?
Question 4: Who is Shrew Glasses' namesake? *Hint: BACON!!!*
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Cheese the Cobra's screen name online?
Get guessing, guys! Man, I love alliteration.
Question 1: How many cards are there per pack of Komix Kards?
Question 2: Can Shrew Glasses fly?
Question 3: How many parts did it take to name ALL the characters!?
Question 4: Who is Shrew Glasses' namesake? *Hint: BACON!!!*
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: What is Cheese the Cobra's screen name online?
Get guessing, guys! Man, I love alliteration.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Five more facts coming your way, so get ready!
Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world. Too bad there's also Tasmainan devils, poisonous platipi, venomous snakes... I forgot my point.
Good luck identifying a street in Japan! None of them have names!
Most snakes only have one lung.
Warthogs can reach speeds of 29 miles per hour. Now that's some fast food! Get it... because... they're.. pigs. Gee, tough crowd.
Okay, well I have to deliver Shrew Glasses' magazine. He really likes Endangered Species Monthly. Have a nice weekend, Comixers!
Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world. Too bad there's also Tasmainan devils, poisonous platipi, venomous snakes... I forgot my point.
Good luck identifying a street in Japan! None of them have names!
Most snakes only have one lung.
Warthogs can reach speeds of 29 miles per hour. Now that's some fast food! Get it... because... they're.. pigs. Gee, tough crowd.
Okay, well I have to deliver Shrew Glasses' magazine. He really likes Endangered Species Monthly. Have a nice weekend, Comixers!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Weekly weirdos
It's come time yet again, so let's waste no time and introduce you to these weirdos!
Tyrone: A green bumpy rock monster with yak horns. He wears a hat shaped like a rock and only his head has been seen.
Hank: A fuzzy purple lemur, likes candy bars and public radio.
Stardude: A star, dude.
Skechum: A living notepad. Other characters rely on his photographic memory.
Jeri: A French cherry that fights to become more popular than blueberries.

Jeri. I do not own this picture.
And now, as a cherry would say: "..."
"..." happens to translate to "Comix out!" in cherry language. Wow, cherry language is weird.
Tyrone: A green bumpy rock monster with yak horns. He wears a hat shaped like a rock and only his head has been seen.
Hank: A fuzzy purple lemur, likes candy bars and public radio.
Stardude: A star, dude.
Skechum: A living notepad. Other characters rely on his photographic memory.
Jeri: A French cherry that fights to become more popular than blueberries.
Jeri. I do not own this picture.
And now, as a cherry would say: "..."
"..." happens to translate to "Comix out!" in cherry language. Wow, cherry language is weird.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Answers and info
The time has come to reveal this week's Pop Comix answers, so here they are:
Question 1: True
Question 2: Wormo
Question 3: Foretress
Question 4: Stiff neck
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Bleach, lighter fluid, gasoline, ammonia, lint, 12 static jigawatts of electricity, plutoinum, magneseum, corrupted D.N.A, pop rocks, and soda.
Like I said before, that'll be a cool volcano! Now, some info.
Did you know? In the Halloween episode of Comix, there is a skeleton hanging from a tree, with birds living it its eye sockets. There is no indication as to whether or not the skeleton is real, or a prop.
Question 1: True
Question 2: Wormo
Question 3: Foretress
Question 4: Stiff neck
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Bleach, lighter fluid, gasoline, ammonia, lint, 12 static jigawatts of electricity, plutoinum, magneseum, corrupted D.N.A, pop rocks, and soda.
Like I said before, that'll be a cool volcano! Now, some info.
Did you know? In the Halloween episode of Comix, there is a skeleton hanging from a tree, with birds living it its eye sockets. There is no indication as to whether or not the skeleton is real, or a prop.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Pop Comix
Due to Memorial Day, Comix was out on Monday. As such, today is a Monday's schedule. Blah, blah, blah, pie. Get ready for a trip down memory road! Or, you know, just go back and look at some old posts for the answers.
Question 1: True or false: Gorilla likes Twinkies.
Question 2: Who was the first character of the week?
Question 3: If Comix characters were to become Pokemon, who would Lazer Face be?
Question 4: In one sketch mentioned a long time ago, which common ailment did a giraffe find himself with?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Describe the ingredients in Epic Face's science volcano.
Check back tomorrow for the answers and some more biz! Teru Teru Bozu out! Wait, what?!
Question 1: True or false: Gorilla likes Twinkies.
Question 2: Who was the first character of the week?
Question 3: If Comix characters were to become Pokemon, who would Lazer Face be?
Question 4: In one sketch mentioned a long time ago, which common ailment did a giraffe find himself with?
HARDCORE QUESTION 5: Describe the ingredients in Epic Face's science volcano.
Check back tomorrow for the answers and some more biz! Teru Teru Bozu out! Wait, what?!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Did you konw taht you olny need the frsit and lsat leettrs of a wrod in teihr pacles to udnestrand the wrod?
Eojny the fllowing fcats!
Every second, Oprah makes 10 dollars.
"Hey! How old is the world's oldest gum?" IT'S OVER 9000!!!! Years old, that is.
Male water buffalo urine is flammable. Highly flammable.
There is a species of bird called the go-away bird.
Second Street is a more common name that First Street!

Go away bird.
Hvae a ncie wkeened, Cmxiores!
Eojny the fllowing fcats!
Every second, Oprah makes 10 dollars.
"Hey! How old is the world's oldest gum?" IT'S OVER 9000!!!! Years old, that is.
Male water buffalo urine is flammable. Highly flammable.
There is a species of bird called the go-away bird.
Second Street is a more common name that First Street!
Go away bird.
Hvae a ncie wkeened, Cmxiores!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
MORE Comix Moose's favorites
We interrupt this week's Tipler for more of Comix Moose's favorite things. Too bad, too. We were going to tell you the meaning of life in the Tripler.
Favorite computer game: Happy Wheels.
Favorite Happy Wheels character: Timmah!!!
Favorite magazine: National Geographic.
Favorite endangered animal: Quokka.
Favorite Girl Scout Cookie: Thin mint.
Favorite guan: Horned guan.
Favorite Minecraft block: Budder block!
Favorite meme: Grumpy Cat.
Favorite court team of 35 people selling physical and virtual goods: Yes.
And now, just for Comix Moose, a QUOKKA PARTY!
*Six flags theme playing, old man
dancing in background*
Are you enjoying the hor d'oeuvres?
Well, I'd better party with these quokkas, so I'll see you guys tomorrow for some trivia!
Favorite computer game: Happy Wheels.
Favorite Happy Wheels character: Timmah!!!
Favorite magazine: National Geographic.
Favorite endangered animal: Quokka.
Favorite Girl Scout Cookie: Thin mint.
Favorite guan: Horned guan.
Favorite Minecraft block: Budder block!
Favorite meme: Grumpy Cat.
Favorite court team of 35 people selling physical and virtual goods: Yes.
And now, just for Comix Moose, a QUOKKA PARTY!
*Six flags theme playing, old man
Are you enjoying the hor d'oeuvres?
Well, I'd better party with these quokkas, so I'll see you guys tomorrow for some trivia!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Fanny pack of awesomeness
Welcome back, and get ready for awesomeness!!! This week's theme is funny birds, so have at them!
Here we have gravity pigeon, boss pelican, the Dragon-bird, a different way to birdwatch, and the Lazerbird. I do not own these pictures. As usual, click the pics for a better view. Also, the order of the pics got messed up. It's really hard to move pictures in this format.
And now, I leave you with a bit of philosophy: If they use Euros in Europe, shouldn't Africa use Afros?
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